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Mercedez M. McCloud CC 670 Literature Review Summary.

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1 Mercedez M. McCloud CC 670 Literature Review Summary

2 By identifying the two motivating factors behind the increased use of multimodal practices to improve adult literacy, this paper will explore three specific multimodal practices: art, graphic novels, and multimedia technology and identify how these practices increase literacy in adult learners.

3 Multimodal Practices (broad definition): multimodal could reasonably be taken to mean using more than one language mode. This would make film, picture books and digital stories (which use a combination of visual and written language) and many other form of text multimodal (McGraw, 2010, paragraph 7). Multimodal Practices and Literacy: the visual, the written, the auditory, and the haptic (sense of touch) are all interrelated and all contribute to meaning making (Ajayi, 2009, p. 587).

4 Referencing the theories of Jarvis, Mezirow, and Knowles, the outcomes of the three multimodal practices will be applied to the following: Andragogy Learner Experience Social Context/Meaning Critical Reflection

5 Multimodal practice: Visual Learning tool(s): Discussion & written response Outcome: Social and self awareness, linguistic accuracy Figure 1: Paula Rigo: The Maids

6 Figure 2: Maus: A Survivors Tale Multimodal practice: Visual, Aural Learning tool(s): Reading, discussion, written response Outcome: Relate to experience, affirm identities as thinkers and learners

7 Multimodal practice: visual, aural, haptic Learning tool(s): Discussion, written response, reading Outcome: Critical literacy, identify cultural codes Figure 3: AT&T Advertisement advertisements.html

8 The use of multimodal practices increases adult literacy by appealing to adult learners needs and learning styles. These practices encourage discussion and literacy practice, develop critical literacy skills, and affirm identities as thinkers and learners.

9 Ajayi, L. (2009). English as a second language learners exploration of multimodal texts in a junior high school. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 52(7), 585-595. Azevedo, N. R., & Goncalves, M. J. (2012). Writing and reading with art: adult literacy, transformation, and learning. Adult Learning, 23(2), 69-75. Bousted, M., & Ozturk, A. (2004) It came alive outside my head. Developing literacies through comparison: the reading of classic text and moving image. Literacy, 38(1), 52-57. Chun, C.W. (2009). Critical literacies and graphic novels for English-language learners: teaching maus. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53(2), 144-153.

10 McGraw, K. (2010). Defining multimodal. multimodal/ Seglem, R., & Witte, S. (2009). You gotta see it to believe it: teaching visual literacy in the English classroom. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53(3), 216- 226. Serafini, F. (2011). Expanding perspectives for comprehending visual images in multimodal texts. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54(5), 342- 350. Whitin, P. E. (2009). Tech-to-stretch: expanding possibilities for literature response. Reading Teacher, 62(5), 408-418.

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