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Local Territorial Units: classification and data
A Project of the Phare 2000 Multybeneficiary Programme Contractor: ICON Institute Project Manager: Klaus Trutzel with Experts: D. Bond, P. Martin-Guzman, W. Walla Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec. 2003
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Objectives of the project Ø to provide Eurostat with an updated nomenclature database on LTUs for all accession countries Ø to help prepare a flow of reliable information to Eurostat from all 10 accession countries on changes of nomenclature and boundaries for NUTS5 units Ø to collect a defined set of census results of 1990/91 for all NUTS5 units and integrate them into Eurostat’s SIRE database after verification Ø to collect a defined set of census results of 1990/91 for NUTS units and the national level and integrate them into Eurostat’s Census database after verification. Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Basic documents 1990/1991Community Programme of Censuses of Population, “31200 Census Publication”, Eurostat SIRE, European infra-regional information system, description of the SIRE data, August 1998 Technical Annex: Acquisition and updating of nomenclature for NUTS 5 territorial units Statistical regions in the EFTA countries and the candidate countries, Eurostat, Theme 1, General Statistics, 2001 Edition Commission of the European Communities, Eurostat, Boundaries Project, Final Report, November 1994 (BOU03), and Supplement: New Member States, March 1996 Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Workshop in Nürnberg, Germany, May 2002 Agenda Communication and sources of information The missions Boundary changes and „BOUndary report“ NUTS classification and nomenclature changes National administrative units and NUTS classification in the CC CONC/MODA Census Data, mainly for NUTS 5 and NUTS 3 Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Missions Pilot mission, before the workshop, to the Chech Republic in May 2002 a mission to each of the 10 Accession Countries, July – Dec. 2002 Derek Bond: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Pilar Martin-Guzman: Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania Klaus Trutzel: Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia Wolfgang Walla: Slovenia Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Missions continued All NSI answered a list of questions to prepare the mission Agenda of the missions Organisation and scope of activities of the NSI the 1989/91 census regarding the data for LTU, NUTS 3 and national level requested by Eurostat administrative territorial structure of the country, data flow of change information, management of nomenclature by NSI boundary report: contact geodesy, cartography and mapping agency training of CONC/MODA, Eurostat‘s format for all changes of names and codes of NUTS 5 and NUTS 4 units. Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Census tables 1989/91 65 tables in prescribed structure NUTS5: Community Programme = 1 table SIRE=12 tables NUTS3: Community Programme = 1 table Census DB=15+m,f,t National: Community Programme= 27 tbls. Census DB=38 tables Territorial Structure of 1989/91 Classifications ISCED, NACE, ownership of dwellings, nationality, unemploym. Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Territorial Units in the Accession Countries
Phare Local Territorial Units: classification and data Territorial Units in the Accession Countries (lowest admin. level underlined) Accession Countries (Mio. population) Number of national levels Number of units on NUTS level (2001) 0+1 2 3 4 5 Bulgaria ( 8,1) 1 6 28 265 5340 Czech Republic (10,3) 8 14 91 6258 Estonia ( 1,4) 15 241 Hungary (10,0) 7 19+Bud 150 3135 Latvia ( 2,4) 33 548 Lithuania ( 3,7) 10 60 504 Poland (38,7) 16 45 380 2483 Romania (22,4) 42 -- 2948 Slovak Republ. ( 5,4) 79 2883 Rep.of Slovenia ( 2,0) 12 58 192 Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Municipal Codes in the Accession Countries Accession Countries (Mio. population) Number of national levels independent hierarchical Bulgaria ( 8,1) 3 (settlem. NUTS 5) X (=NUTS 4) Czech Republic (10,3) X Estonia ( 1,4) 2 X (inverse) Hungary (10,0) Latvia ( 2,4) Lithuania ( 3,7) Poland (38,7) Romania (22,4) Slovak Republ. ( 5,4) Rep.of Slovenia ( 2,0) Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Municipal codes for more than identification / hierarchy
Phare Local Territorial Units: classification and data Municipal codes for more than identification / hierarchy Accession Countries number of administr. levels Yes / no number of extra digits comment Bulgaria 3 no (2) only for type of settlement Czech Republic - Estonia 2 yes type/level of unit Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland 1.=level, 10.= type of settlm. Romania 1 control digit Slovak Republ. Rep.of Slovenia Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Codification Code: SK0 Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Codification Code: SK01, SK02, SK03, SK04 National code:1, 2, 3, 4
Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Codification Code: SK01 (1), SK021, SK022, SK023, SK031, SK032, SK041, SK042 National code:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Codification In the Slovak Republic there are 79 districts
Codification In the Slovak Republic there are 79 districts. Nomenclature of districts is formed by three digit code with the region number as the first one. Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Codification In the Slovak Republic there are 79 districts
Codification In the Slovak Republic there are 79 districts. Nomenclature of districts is formed by three digit code with the region number as the first one. Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Codification In the Slovak Republic there are 2883 municipalities
Codification In the Slovak Republic there are 2883 municipalities. Nomenclature of municipalities of the Slovak Republic is formed by identification numbers within interval Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Change on the level NUTS 3 in 1996 4 8
before 1996 since 1996 Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Change on the level NUTS4 in 1996 37+1 79
before 1996 since 1996 Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Change on the level NUTS5 in 1996 2821 2883
before 1996 since 1996 Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Changes of municipal nomenclature and territory
Phare Local Territorial Units: classification and data Changes of municipal nomenclature and territory Eurostat‘s CONC/MODA Information requested (varies by type of change): - Date of change - Type of change: nomenclature/territorial change (add/delete) - Name before and after change - Code before and after change, linked for territorial changes - Nomenclature of superior territorial units affected by the change Problems: Information to be spread over two different records System hard to understand – not self-explaining no information on volume of change (territory, population etc.) that has been transferred Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Census 1989/91: Territorial comparability Territorial administrative structure (often also the coding system) has changed several times since the 1989/1 census. Eurostat cannot make the Census results comparable. Digital maps of administrative boundaries would have been very valuable. The NSI were not asked to recalculate the 1989/91census results for the territorial structure of 2001. Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Boundary Reports Land surveying, cadastre and mapping agencies (LSO) are responsible for administrative boundaries. Digital maps have only recently become available, first as simple graphical representations, now mostly referenced for combination with content data. National LSO are affiliated to EuroGeographics. This organisation provides SABE maps on a strictly commercial basis. NSI don‘t have free access to the basic digital maps of administrative boundaries. Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Administrative Trail Ministry of the Interior publishes information on changes of municipal nomenclature and territory. LSO updates municipal boundaries and calculates new area. NSI issues official code. All parts of public administration are obliged to use this code. LSOs have, nevertheless, used their own codes, also in SABE maps. Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Recommendations to CC Keep the national codes simple. Minimise changes of the national codes don‘t integrate functions into the codes that are not necessary for identification. Don‘t integrate NUTS codes into national codes. Construct coding system close to the needs of public administration. Establish closest possible co-operation between LSO and NSI: Users of information should get (compatible!) boundaries, codes and statistics from one supplier. Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Recommendations to Eurostat Data requested from NSI should be defined as „identified classified aggregates“,not as tables, and use one common format (cf. UAII). improve the system of change information on territorial administrative units: One record per change per affected territorial unit! Improve information by including effects of change on population, buildings/dwellings, area etc. Try to become more compatible with national territorial management systems. Link all territorial data with GIS data. Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
Phare 2000 - Local Territorial Units: classification and data
Thank you for your attention ! Eurostat Working Party Meeting on Regional and Urban Statistics 3-5 Dec
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