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Presentation on theme: "TEACHER- FAMILY PARTNERSHIP"— Presentation transcript:

JoAnne Curatalo EDU April 12, 2000

2 JUST THE FACTS Parents who are involved in their child’s academic life have a profound effect on the child’s ability to learn. Involved parents also help instill in their children an appreciation for learning that can last a life time. Higher long-term academic achievement More positive attitudes and behaviors Better attendance rates Greater willingness to do homework

Parental involvement at home is not enough Children from low-income and minority families have the most to gain from parental involvement Parents do NOT have to be well educated to help their children

4 How can we reach this goal????
Children, families, and schools all benefit when families and teachers work together. However many families and teachers are not trained enough to accomplish this goal. Teachers and parents struggle to connect in a meaningful way that helps improve student learning. How can we reach this goal????

5 What Teachers Need To Know
About families Respect and value different cultures How to involve families How to talk with families How to support families in helping their child learn at home How to support families’ interest and needs How to share decision making with families

6 Teachers need to know… about families/
diverse backgrounds Teachers must understand what is in other people’s mind How do they view themselves How do they view the world around them What is important to them What do they want for their children Recognize the importance of a community’s historic, ethnic, language, or cultural resources in generating interest in family involvement

7 How to Involve Families
Teachers need to know … How to Involve Families Communication is the key! Begin your school year by writing parents of your students Introductory letter Request for information letter Classroom management rules Classroom calendar Homework policy Volunteer sign-up sheet

8 How to Talk With Families
Teachers need to know… How to Talk With Families Many parents get nervous when they need to see the teacher. One sure way to turn off parents is to speak in jargon. Parent want to hear about their children in plain language. Check if an interpreter is needed before hand. Be available in person, phone, , letters/notes Be reliable Be flexible Be sensitive- respond to problems and concerns in a positive and compassionate way

9 How to Support families in helping their child
Teachers need to know… How to Support families in helping their child learn at home Teachers should provide information and ideas to families that relate to topics discussed in school such as, movies, videos, books, articles, web sites places in the community such as zoo, museum, parks, businesses resources and services from the community (social services, health clinics) joint workshops (motivation, special needs, studying tips)

10 How to Support Families’ Interest and Needs
Teachers need to know … How to Support Families’ Interest and Needs Invite and encourage family members to share his/her interest such as, cultural activities computers skills musical/artistic skills cooking, woodworking, Provide linkages with special service agencies and community groups Provide workshops on child development, stress management, health issues

11 Teachers need to know… Share Decision Making
Include families in school decisions Include parents in staff development Include parents in educational workshops

12 How to Communicate With Hard to Reach Parents
Teachers need to know… How to Communicate With Hard to Reach Parents Possible reasons why some parents do not attend school functions financial reasons lack of child care lack of transportation lack English speaking ability low sense of self-worth may not even have a phone work commitment

13 Communicating with hard to reach parents
Ways to communicate with hard to reach parents 1. Meet parents on their own turf. 2. Cover all language barriers 3. Provide child care during Parent Night 4. Make parent get-together lively and fun (refreshments, door prizes) 5. Call , write, often and send positive notes also

14 What Can Families Do to Help?
Families can help build a strong school community by- Helping to provide a safe-place to promote learning Celebrate diverse backgrounds such as holiday traditions Attend to students’ personal and social needs (attend workshops/guest speakers Emphasize learning through experience Provide expanded learning opportunities for students with learning disabilities Take part in developing policies/decision-making Join the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Help in sports, art, music, theater events

15 What Parents Can Do in the Classroom
Help in small group activities Tutoring / homework / resource Help organize and attend field trips Computer skills Read to students Help on class project Class newspaper or calendar Class photographer / video Helping out during high stress times of the day

16 developed by Dorothy Rich
TEN MEGASKILLS developed by Dorothy Rich The ten MEGASKILLS are skills and attitudes needed to succeed in school and and life. 1. CONFIDENCE- feeling able to do something worthwhile 2. MOTIVATION- wanting to do something worthwhile 3. EFFORT- being willing to work hard 4. RESPONSIBILITY- do what’s right 5. INITIATIVE- moving into action 6. PERSEVERANCE- completing what you start 7. CARING- showing concern for others 8. TEAMWORK- work with others 9. COMMON SENSE- using good judgement 10. PROBLEM SOLVING- Putting what you know and what you can do into action

LASTLY ALWAYS THANK YOUR VOLUNTEERS End - year reception Provide invitations / refreshments / awards / certificates Flowers Thank you notes Have students write letters /thank you cards / draw pictures

18 Works Cited Eggen, P., Kauchak, D. (1999). Educational psychology . Columbus, OH: Merrill. Friend, M,. Bursuck, W. (1999). Including students with special needs. Needham Heights, MA: Viacom Company. ( 1) National Education Association of the United States. (1996). Building parent relationships. (2) Swick, K. (1991). Teacher-parent partnerships to enhance school success in early childhood education. National Educatio;n Association of the United States. Websites Early Childhood Digest: Families and Teachers as Partners

19 Works cited continued (3) Family / School Partnerships Guidelines for Schools and School Districts Reaching Out to families From Diverse Background


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