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Greg Vachon Lori Weiselberg Meghan Kirkpatrick

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Presentation on theme: "Greg Vachon Lori Weiselberg Meghan Kirkpatrick"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greg Vachon Lori Weiselberg Meghan Kirkpatrick
Empanelment Greg Vachon Lori Weiselberg Meghan Kirkpatrick Welcome … we introduce ourselves and then (?) ask for participants to introduce themselves ?? : name, organization, role

2 November 9, 2018 What is “empanelment”? Simple answer: Assigning each patient to a provider Functional answer: each PCMH care team has a group of patients for whom they are responsible each patient can identify to whom they can turn for their health care needs

3 Patient Centered Medical Home
November 9, 2018 Patient Centered Medical Home Central (proven) Principles: Access Continuity Coordination These are the central principals that, if you look at the Commonwealth data on making a difference in underserved populations, this is what made the difference. And how does empanelment support these three core principles?

4 Patient Centered Medical Home
November 9, 2018 Patient Centered Medical Home Central (proven) Principles: Access Empanelment matches supply and demand Continuity Coordination And how does empanelment support these three core principles? Common sense, not fancy formulas and studies, tells us that in order to have access you have to have a limited number of patients. This is what concierge medicine is about. Limit the practice size to 200 patients. This will make access very, very good. Well, the PCMH model is one in which there is, in actuality, meaningful access 24/7. And who does access have the most meaningful impact for? High risk patients. Low SES patients. Not the typical concierge medicine practice patient.

5 Patient Centered Medical Home
November 9, 2018 Patient Centered Medical Home Central (proven) Principles: Access Empanelment matches supply and demand Continuity Patient and provider (& team) are tied together in IT system Coordination Continuity: this is what empanelment is all about at the core. Promoting the relationship between patient and provider, patient and team over time.

6 Patient Centered Medical Home
November 9, 2018 Patient Centered Medical Home Central (proven) Principles: Access Empanelment matches supply and demand Continuity Patient and provider (& team) are tied together in IT system Coordination Tasks are directed to right team member Coordination of the patients care happens when there are assigned roles and responsibilities. In a small practice, this might be Josie that does all of the referral follow ups for all of the patients. But in a large practice, certain staff will be on teams with certain providers. And directing of tasks related to the patients empaneled to that doctor is facilitated and really made possible by having the patients empaneled.

7 Safety Net Medical Home Initiative Change Concepts
November 9, 2018 Safety Net Medical Home Initiative Change Concepts Engaged Leadership Quality Improvement Strategy Empanelment Continuous & Team- Based Healing Relationships Patient-Centered Interactions Organized, Evidence-Based Care Enhanced Access Care coordination Empanelment is one change amongst many that gets you to the PCMH nirvana. Importantly, if you look at NCQA standards or Joint Commission, you are not going to see the word empanelment, or panel, or even assign. The concept is embodied however in several components.

8 2011 NCQA Standards Enhance Access and Continuity
November 9, 2018 2011 NCQA Standards Enhance Access and Continuity Access During Office Hours Access After Hours Electronic Access Continuity (with provider) Medical Home Responsibilities Culturally/Linguistically Appropriate Services Practice Organization Identify/Manage Patient Populations Patient Information Clinical Data Comprehensive Health Assessment Use Data for Population Management Plan/Manage Care Implement Evidence-Based Guidelines Identify High-Risk Patients Manage Care Manage Medications Electronic Prescribing Provide Self-Care and Community Resources A. Self-Care Process B. Referrals to Community Resources Track/Coordinate Care Test Tracking and Follow-Up Referral Tracking and Follow-Up Coordinate with Facilities/Care Transitions Measure and Improve Performance Measures of Performance Patient/Family Feedback Implements Continuous Quality Improvement Demonstrates Continuous Quality Improvement Report Performance Report Data Externally Optional Patient Experiences Survey Here they are and you don’t see empanelment

9 + = 2011 NCQA Standards EMPANELMENT Enhance Access and Continuity
November 9, 2018 2011 NCQA Standards Enhance Access and Continuity Access During Office Hours Access After Hours Electronic Access Continuity (with provider) Medical Home Responsibilities Culturally/Linguistically Appropriate Services Practice Organization Identify/Manage Patient Populations Patient Information Clinical Data Comprehensive Health Assessment Use Data for Population Management Plan/Manage Care Implement Evidence-Based Guidelines Identify High-Risk Patients Manage Care Manage Medications Electronic Prescribing Provide Self-Care and Community Resources A. Self-Care Process B. Referrals to Community Resources Track/Coordinate Care Test Tracking and Follow-Up Referral Tracking and Follow-Up Coordinate with Facilities/Care Transitions Measure and Improve Performance Measures of Performance Patient/Family Feedback Implements Continuous Quality Improvement Demonstrates Continuous Quality Improvement Report Performance Report Data Externally Optional Patient Experiences Survey + = EMPANELMENT

10 Access vision TODAY TOMORROW
November 9, 2018 Access vision TODAY TOMORROW Team responsible for the care of ≈1500 patients Poor control = Nurse protocol by phone adjusting medication “Form is done. Drop by when you want to pick it up” Just out of hospital: you get a call at home – when can you come in? Providers responsible for 10 – 12 patient visits per session “Your BP is in poor control. Come back in three weeks.” “You’ll need to see the doctor to fill that form out” Just out of hospital: no energy to deal with making an appointment Ok, we’ve established, I hope that the activity of empanelment is important and foundational to the PCMH concept.

11 November 9, 2018 But is everyone in? Perhaps, perhaps not Will there need to be alternative delivery models for some patients? Institutions without unlimited capacity should think about empanelment criteria Turn-over rate should be low KEEP LOAD ’EM IN YOU ARE PUSHIN’ EM OUT AS WELL

12 November 9, 2018 Before we begin “Communication is the problem to the answer” The Things We Do For Love - 10cc -1976 Communicate: Why / What / How Impact on providers and staff Long term vision: Accountable Care

13 Initial empanelment Looks back in the records Four cut method
November 9, 2018 Initial empanelment Looks back in the records Four cut method Only one provider for all visits Provider seen the most times Multiple providers, same number, then whoever saw for physical/health check None of above, last provider seen

14 Empanel to the highest scoring provider IF threshold of 0.6 is met
November 9, 2018 Single cut method Visit score for patient with 8 visits in 3 years Visit Score 0.0 0.15 0.36 0.5 0.6 1.0 24 months 12 months 3 months 18 months 6 months Present Red dot provider = = 1.96 Purple dot provider = = 1.65 Empanel to the highest scoring provider IF threshold of 0.6 is met

15 Making it happen Depends on starting line:
November 9, 2018 Making it happen Depends on starting line: Is visit data available? How good is the visit data? How is the current PCP data? Options: Have EMR vendor run a script to insert PCP in new or old data field Export to Excel and apply rule and then key in results

16 Early-phase empanelment
November 9, 2018 Early-phase empanelment Give PCPs the opportunity to review and make corrections before “release” Have less stringent control of changes in the PCP field for ≈ 3 months Prepare staff for the next phase

17 November 9, 2018 On-going Empanelment Patient Equivalents (weighting the panel) Opening/Closing panels Adding new patients Embedding/interacting with rest of the IT infrastructure

18 November 9, 2018 Why weight the panel? Different providers have different practice characteristics Specialty Age ranges Focus areas Even when similar, providers tend to believe there are differences

19 What determines weight?
November 9, 2018 What determines weight? The number of hours (visits in old thinking) expected of each PCP Degree of provider efficiency allowed by system Reference number of total Patient Equivalents

20 November 9, 2018 Breaking it down Provider = 36 hours per week, 46 weeks per year = 1656 hours If: 2000 Patient Equivalents (PEs) Then: 50 minutes per year per PE Who can your providers take care of in 50 minutes in your system?

21 Key characteristics of any weighting system
November 9, 2018 Key characteristics of any weighting system Fair Inspires ‘faith’ Hard to cheat

22 November 9, 2018 THE SECRET FORMULA

23 Base Weight: Age & Gender
November 9, 2018 Base Weight: Age & Gender AGE MALE FEMALE 0 – 24 months 3.00 2 to 5 years old 1.50 5 to 15 1.00 15 to 45 0.25 0.75 45 to 65 1.0 65 + 1.5 Assumptions: 2000 PEs per FTE 50 minutes per year per PE Low team-based care efficiency (with increasing efficiency of PCMH teams, the weights should be decreased over time)

24 November 9, 2018 Additional Factors

25 November 9, 2018 Reduction Factor

26 What the reduction factor looks like:
November 9, 2018 What the reduction factor looks like: Months Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.0 0.92 0.83 0.75 0.67 0.58 0.50 0.42 0.33 0.25 0.17 0.08 2.0 1.92 1.75 1.58 1.42 1.25 1.08 3.0 2.75 2.5 2.25 1.5 0.5 Reduction factor can be more aggressive depending on actual data / experience of patients returning to care after long absence

27 Opening and closing panels
November 9, 2018 Opening and closing panels Panels will need to be closed at some threshold (suggest 110%) Turnover rate will inform process of slowly ‘turning down the faucet’ New patient slots: Passé?

28 Putting it all together
November 9, 2018 Putting it all together

29 Policies and Procedures
November 9, 2018 Policies and Procedures Criteria for Empanelment PCP Assignment and Changing Providers Scheduling

30 Policies and Procedures cont.
November 9, 2018 Policies and Procedures cont. Call Routing Proxy Tasks When Team Members are Absent Provider Transfer or Termination

31 November 9, 2018 Discussion

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