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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION OF THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET"— Presentation transcript:

May 29, 2018

2 Achievement and Well-Being
Thames Valley’s preliminary operating budget is fully compliant as per Ministry requirements The budget was developed with our Mission, Vision, and three strategic priorities currently being developed in the forefront Relationships Achievement and Well-Being Equity and Diversity

3 Learning & Achievement
While aligning our financial resources, we ensured the budget supported the four key areas and objectives of our Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement: Learning & Achievement Engagement and Well-Being Culture for Learning Build and support leadership and instructional capacity in mathematics at all levels of the Board

4 Provincial Economic Outlook
Overall provincial enrolment is increasing slightly in both elementary and in secondary panels Provincial funding for education for has increased to $24.5B, up from $23.9B in

5 Grants for Student Needs (GSN)
Released April 27, 2018 EFIS available April 27, 2018 GSN – Labour Framework Funding provided to reflect the commitments in the central labour agreement extensions for Funding for salary increases of 1.5% Year 2 of “Local Priority Fund” investments by Ministry to support additional education workers (about 100 FTE staff at TVDSB) Increases to funding for the provincial benefit Trusts costs

6 GSN - Benefits GSN - Class Size
Continued reduction of .167% in benefit benchmarks – elimination of retirement gratuities – seventh year of 12 year phase-out GSN - Class Size Funding in will support smaller classes in Kindergarten and also in grades 4 to 8

7 GSN – Additional Funding in 2018-19
New funding for multi-disciplinary Special Education staff teams New funding to reduce waitlists for special education students’ assessments New funding for mental health workers Special Incidence Portion (SIP) increase to $38,016 from $27,000 per claim Increased funding for guidance teachers for grade 7 and 8 students to engage in career and pathways planning Increased funding in New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) $10M increase in ESL funding to reflect 2016 Census data to support growth in ESL/ESD programs for pupils who are not recent immigrants (formerly Pupils in Canada component)

8 GSN – Continued Funding Which Was New in 2017-18
Rural and Northern Education Fund for eligible schools to further improve education in rural and northern communities Human Resource Transition Supplement to manage the impacts of the collective agreement extensions

9 GSN – Funding Cost Pressures
Transportation 4% increase for bus contracts, netted against surplus Continuation of Fuel Escalation and De-escalation allocation Full funding to hold boards harmless from declining enrolment New funding for standardized, on-site school bus rider safety training Utilities Increase of 2% to non-staff benchmarks for increases in commodity prices

10 GSN – Funding Formula Reforms in 2014-15
Ministry adjusted the formula for two grants in : Special Education High Needs Amount (HNA) now called Differentiated Special Education Needs Amount (DSENA) Board Administration and Governance Grant (BAGG) Impact of these modifications redistributed the provincial grant allocation dollars amongst school boards (i.e. revenue neutral for the province) Four year phase in of new model; was year 4

11 GSN – School Board Efficiencies
and Modernization (SBEM) Introduced in GSN focus on more efficient use of school space and reduction of excess capacity Capital Priorities funding to support consolidations and right-sizing schools and new schools or additions, through business case submissions School Condition Improvement - TVDSB’s allocation is $42.0M ($36.6M in , $48.9M in , $45.2M in , $7.6M in ) allocation based on assessed renewal needs 70% of funding for building components 30% of funding to address locally identified renewal needs Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund TVDSB’s allocation is $4.7M ($9.1M is ) Funding to increase planning capacity for underutilized schools TVDSB’s allocation is $198,728 (same in ) Early Years capital funding for creation of licensed child care spaces

12 GSN – SBEM Measures / Top-up Funding Formula Changes
Base Top-up Funding in School Operations and School Renewal Grants eliminated in A portion of the savings has been reinvested in increased benchmarks for School Operations and School Renewal Enhanced top-up funding for isolated schools only School Renewal - $12.9M in Funding for schools’ maintenance, repairs and capital expenditures Includes Enhanced School Renewal Top-Up and Enhanced School Renewal Additional investment of $40M provincially in each of and GSN – Capital Funding

13 Accountability Enveloped
Board Administration and Governance spending must not exceed the funding for this area Board Action Plan for Indigenous Education funding must be used to support the implementation of the 16 strategies and actions in the Ontario FNMI Education Policy Framework Special Education grants must only be spent on special education expenditures Student Achievement Envelope within the Learning Opportunities Grant must be used collectively on six programs, as defined by the Ministry Program Leadership Allocation funding must be spent on six leads’ salary, benefits, travel and professional development Class Size targets must be met in Kindergarten, Primary, Grades 4 to 8, and Secondary School Renewal and School Condition Improvement Allocations must be primarily spent on capital expenditures

14 Summary of Enrolment Data





19 Capital Surplus Difference between total Board supported capital spending and amount appropriated in accumulated surplus to offset future amortization expense for board-supported projects TVDSB had a Capital Deficit for the past several years but now has established a Capital Surplus as at August 31, 2017 of $2.1M Capital surplus/deficit is a key metric reviewed by the Ministry to determine a board’s overall financial risk







26 Preliminary Budget - Surplus/Deficit



29 Budget Approval School Boards are required to approve a balanced budget In-year deficit is permissible if accumulated surplus is available Use of accumulated surplus cannot exceed lesser of: Accumulated surplus at end of previous year 1% of Board’s operating revenue (i.e. $8.9M in ) Preliminary Budget surplus is $754,643 before consideration of proposed budget initiatives of $3,042,863 (see page of Budget Binder). If all budget initiatives are approved to be included in the Budget, an offset from accumulated surplus will be required for $4.5M ($1.8M new budget initiatives plus $2.7M already included in the Preliminary Budget – see page 2-2 of the Budget Binder)

30 Public Input Deadline - June 5
Planning & Priorities Advisory Committee Public Input - June 12 Budget Debate & Approval - June 19 Submission to Ministry of Education - June 29 ** Tonight’s presentation & supporting documentation will be available tomorrow at **



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