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Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda.
Sit at your assigned spot. Log in and wait for instructions.

2 Agenda- Sept. 4 to Sept. 8 Mon. – No school
Tues. – Build background about plants. Wed. – Planting Day for WI Fast Plants! Thurs. – Life Cycle of Plants Fri. – Plant Story Book!

3 Health Office Screenings
Go downstairs. WAIT QUIETLY AND POLITELY FOR YOUR TURN! Return and go back to work right away. Computer lab days are for QUIET, INDIVIDUAL WORK!

4 Building Background Go to
Go to this week – ALWAYS THE BOTTOM BUTTON ON THE LEFT! Open the presentation, Building Background on Plants. View the slides, complete your sheet and draw neat, colored diagrams. Grade is based on work completion, quality and focus.

5 Parts of a Plant by Denise Carroll

6 Living Things All living things grow and change.
All living things need food, water, and air to live.

7 Nonliving Things Nonliving things are not alive.
Nonliving things do not need food, water, or air.

8 Plants must have these things to grow.
Sunlight Air Water Nutrients or minerals from the soil

9 This young plant that grows from a seed is called a seedling.
When a seed has sunlight, air, water, and nutrients it will begin to germinate, or start to grow. This young plant that grows from a seed is called a seedling.

10 Parts of a Plant Roots hold the plant in the soil and take in water and nutrients from the soil. roots

11 Parts of a Plant The stem holds up the plant and moves water and nutrients through it. stem

12 Parts of a Plant Leaves use light, air, water, and nutrients to make food for the plant.

13 Parts of a Plant Flowers make fruits or pods that hold seeds. Flower 

14 Parts of a Seed Seed Coat Seed Leaf Stored Food Developing Plant

15 Seed Coat Seed Leaf The hard covering that
protects the seed is the ... Seed Coat The part that looks like a leaf inside each seed is the ... Seed Leaf

16 Seeds Seeds are formed in the center part of the flower or fruit.
Seeds come in many shapes and sizes. Plants grow from seeds.

17 How Seeds Are Scattered
Planting Animals Water Wind

18 READ THIS SLIDE! How a Seed Grows into a New Plant
The life of a plant begins as a seed. Once you plant and water a seed it begins to germinate. The root pushes through the seed coat. The seedling grows out of the ground. The stem and its leaves point to the sunlight. The leaves make its own food, BY PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Flowers begin to bloom and make seeds. New seeds are formed and scattered. What is this process called?

19 The Life Cycle of a Plant

20 Look at: Life Cycle of a Plant

21 READ TO REVIEW! Remember…
When the small plant inside begins to grow, the seed germinates. The young plant that grows from a seed is the seedling. Seeds are scattered by planting, wind, water, and animals.

22 Take the Review Quiz! Look at each question slide.
Think of the answer and/or look back at your notes and diagrams. Then go to the next slide to see the answer. Keep track of your score, and write it in the last box!

23 What do all living things need to live and grow?

24 1. All living things need _____.
food water air

25 2. Can you name the parts of a plant?

26 roots stem leaves flower
2. The parts of a plant are the _____. roots stem leaves flower

27 3. What do plants need to grow?

28 3. Plants need ____ to live and grow.
sunlight air water nutrients or minerals from the soil

29 4. What do the roots do for a plant?

30 4. The roots hold a plant in place and takes in water and nutrients from the soil.

31 5. What does the stem do for a plant?

32 5. The stem holds up the plant and moves water and nutrients through it.

33 6. Why does a plant need leaves?

34 6. Leaves use sunlight, air, water, and nutrients to make food for the plant.

35 7. What do flowers do for a plant?

36 7. Flowers make fruits that hold seeds
7. Flowers make fruits that hold seeds. These seeds will make new plants.

37 8. How can seeds be scattered?

38 8. Seeds can be scattered by _____.
planting animals water wind

39 Congratulations! You have learned all about plants, seeds, and a plant’s life cycle.

40 Resources

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