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There Is Nothing New Under the Sun

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1 There Is Nothing New Under the Sun
Text: Eccl. 1:9 11/9/2018

2 The Biblical Definition of Marriage
Genesis 2:24 Leave Cleave One Flesh 11/9/2018

3 Attempts to Redefine God’s Design
Polygamy Polygamy in the Bible (Gen. 4:19; 16:3; 29:15-30; 30:4,7, 9, 12; 1 Sam. 1) Polygamy in secular history Polygamy in modern times There Is Nothing New Under the Sun (Eccl. 1:9) Polygamist continue to redefine God’s design for marriage. 11/9/2018

4 Attempts to Redefine God’s Design
Homosexuality Homosexuality in the Old Testament (Genesis 19:5, 7; Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Dt. 23:17-18; 1 Kgs. 14:24; 15:12; 22:46; 2 Kgs 23:7) Homosexuality in the New Testament (1 Tim. 1:10; Rom. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-10) Homosexuality in secular history Nero Legislation under Constantine There Is Nothing New Under the Sun (Eccl. 1:9) Homosexuals continue to redefine God’s design for marriage. 11/9/2018

5 Attempts to Refine God’s Design
Divorce redefines the terms of the marriage covenant (Rom. 7:2-3) Redefinition in Abraham’s day (Gen. 16:3; 21:10 ff.) The Mosaic Law attempted to curb the practice of the hardhearted (Dt. 24:1-4; Mt. 19:8) Modern divorce is obtained for “irreconcilable differences” There Is Nothing New Under the Sun (Eccl. 1:9) Divorce continues to redefine God’s design for marriage. 11/9/2018

6 Applications Things are not worse than they have ever been (Eccl. 1:9)
Some men who do not like the message slay the messenger (1 Kings 22; Mk. 6:17-18) Some righteous men will be affected by their environment Some godly men will keep their mouth shut (Amos 5:13) 11/9/2018

7 Applications The Lord has judged unrighteous nations (2 Chron. 36:16)
The Lord has always admonished the wicked (Amos 4:6-11) The Lord makes the same demands out of His people (Amos 3:8; Judges 2:10; Amos 3:10; Heb. 4:12) The Lord always preserves His righteous remnant (1 Kgs. 19:18) The Righteous are victorious with the Lord (Rev. 20:4) 11/9/2018

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