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Governmental Financial Statement Preparation

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1 Governmental Financial Statement Preparation
Trainer: Anthony Gerharz, CPA © Wipfli LLP

2 Materials/Disclaimer
Please note that these materials are incomplete without the accompanying oral comments by the trainer(s). These materials are informational and educational in nature and represent the speakers' own views. These materials are for the purchasing agency’s use only and not for distribution outside of the agency or publishing on a public website.

3 Outline Today’s session we will go over the following and at the conclusion you should have a better understanding of the following: Government Reporting Model Management’s Discussion and Analysis Including the necessary information Required Supplemental Information Budgetary Comparison Schedules Pension Information Other Post Employment Benefit Information Supplemental Information Commonly seen supplemental information Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Transmittal Letter

4 Outline - Continued Today’s session we will go over the following and at the conclusion you should have a better understanding of the following: Understanding governmental financial statement Discuss what make up required skills, knowledge, and experience (SKE) Review governmental reporting Differences between government-wide financial statements, fund financials, proprietary statements, internal service funds, and fiduciary statements Major fund determination Calculating each major fund Reconciling Preparing the reconciliation between Government-Wide Statements and Fund Statements

5 Governmental Reporting Model
© Wipfli LLP

6 Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Who wrote the MD&A? What is the purpose of the MD&A? Manager/District Clerk/Finance Individual of the Sample Government provides an overview of the financial position and governmental financial activities for the fiscal year ending June 30, Please read it in conjunction with our audit report financial statements. Certain comparative information between the current year and the prior year is required to be presented in the MD&A. Prepare your own versus auditor prepared financials-Numbers Missing info- new/old accounting pronouncements, comparative info, accrual vs modified, capital assets, modified approach to infrastructure GASB34, keep contact info up to date

7 Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Keyword here is condensed! Summarize the district-wide statements only Make sure you update terminology if there have been guidance changes Ask your auditor about this Prepare your own versus auditor prepared financials-Numbers Missing info- new/old accounting pronouncements, comparative info, accrual vs modified, capital assets, modified approach to infrastructure GASB34, keep contact info up to date

8 Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Condensed Financial Information Prepare your own versus auditor prepared financials-Numbers Missing info- new/old accounting pronouncements, comparative info, accrual vs modified, capital assets, modified approach to infrastructure GASB34, keep contact info up to date

9 Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Condensed Financial Information 2017 2016 Expenses: Regular programs 3,294,949 3,294,778 Special programs 713,771 753,487 Vocational programs 147,766 145,768 Adult education 6,407 4,982 Traffic education 3,979 4,885 Supportive services 1,055,088 1,129,527 Operations and maintenance 531,158 547,556 Student transportation 371,617 373,613 Food services 310,542 295,099 Extracurricular 195,923 189,526 Unallocated depreciation 7,205 7,614 Total expenses. 6,638,405 6,746,835 Prepare your own versus auditor prepared financials-Numbers Missing info- new/old accounting pronouncements, comparative info, accrual vs modified, capital assets, modified approach to infrastructure GASB34, keep contact info up to date

10 Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Discuss any changes between the original, approved budget and the final budget General description for any modifications Highlight any large variances between final budgeted amounts and the actual amounts for the year Prepare your own versus auditor prepared financials-Numbers Missing info- new/old accounting pronouncements, comparative info, accrual vs modified, capital assets, modified approach to infrastructure GASB34, keep contact info up to date

11 Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Capital Assets Annual balance in each category i.e. land, buildings, etc. General information on capital additions or disposed assets Annual depreciation expense Debt Activity Type of Debt i.e. Bonds, Capital Leases, Loans Include general information i.e. Maturity dates and interest rates Outstanding amounts at year end Make sure to include your OPEB information and Pension information Prepare your own versus auditor prepared financials-Numbers Missing info- new/old accounting pronouncements, comparative info, accrual vs modified, capital assets, modified approach to infrastructure GASB34, keep contact info up to date

12 Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Capital Assets Annual balance in each category i.e. land, buildings, etc. General information on capital additions or disposed assets Annual depreciation expense Debt Activity Type of Debt i.e. Bonds, Capital Leases, Loans Include general information i.e. Maturity dates and interest rates Outstanding amounts at year end Make sure to include your OPEB information and Pension information

13 Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Make sure to highlight key changes that have happened or are expected to happen in the near future Mill levies Changes to tax base or valuations Include significant items such as tax protests Enrollment trends Changes to state/federal funding Be sure to include contact information for the entity Accountant/Finance Director Clerk Mailing/Physical Address Phone Number/ Address

14 Management’s Discussion and Analysis
What information does your district include that we may not have covered?

15 Required Supplemental Information
Budgetary Comparison Schedules All major funds (General and Special Revenue Funds) should be shown in the RSI for budgetary comparisons Approved, amended budgets versus actual results GAAP reconciliation for any encumbrances incurred during the year Prepare your own versus auditor prepared financials-Numbers Missing info- new/old accounting pronouncements, comparative info, accrual vs modified, capital assets, modified approach to infrastructure GASB34, keep contact info up to date

16 Required Supplemental Information
GENERAL FUND Original Budgeted Amounts Final Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Variance REVENUES Taxes and assessments $ 1,184,046 $ 1,189,134 $ ,088 Licenses and permits 1,750 2,430 680 Intergovernmental revenues 934,977 746,149 (188,828) Charges for services 312,673 317,059 4,386 Fines and forfeitures 47,800 61,085 13,285 Miscellaneous revenues 7,820 30,274 22,454 Investment and royalty earnings 31,000 27,369 (3,631) 2,520,066 2,373,500 (146,566) EXPENDITURES General government 2,058,330 1,705,310 (353,020) Public safety 1,439,844 1,327,773 (112,071) Public health 171,638 144,028 (27,610) Social and economic services 12,000 4,575 (7,425) Culture and recreation 33,100 19,156 (13,944) Miscellaneous 2,000 897 (1,103) Capital outlay 6,300 5,263 (1,037) Total expenditures 3,723,212 3,207,002 (516,210) Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (1,203,146) (833,502) 369,644 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds from asset disposals 16,000 - (16,000) Transfers in 595,806 595,552 (254) Total other financing sources and uses 611,806 (16,254) Net change in fund balances $ (591,340) (237,950) $ ,390 Fund balances, beginning of year $ 1,832,284 Fund balances, end of year $ 1,594,334 Adjustments to generally accepted accounting principles Current year encumbrances included in expenditures 50,000 Fund balances, ending (GAAP basis) $ 1,544,334 Prepare your own versus auditor prepared financials-Numbers Missing info- new/old accounting pronouncements, comparative info, accrual vs modified, capital assets, modified approach to infrastructure GASB34, keep contact info up to date

17 Required Supplemental Information
Pension Information Other Post Employment Benefits Information Prepare your own versus auditor prepared financials-Numbers Missing info- new/old accounting pronouncements, comparative info, accrual vs modified, capital assets, modified approach to infrastructure GASB34, keep contact info up to date

18 Supplemental Information
Unique requirements for every entity dependent on Statute Common examples Combining Schedules Statistical Information Other items required by Statute Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) Accumulating the necessary to information to prepare Compiling the information Assembling the information Reporting the information

19 Supplemental Information
Step 1 – Accumulating the Information Things you will need to get started: Prior year SEFA Internet access (CFDA website, UG website, Grantor/State website) CFDA – Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance General ledger detailing expenses for all Federal programs Final expenditure reports for all Federal programs

20 Supplemental Information
Step 1 – Accumulating the Information (cont.) Establish a spreadsheet to enter SEFA data. Basic columns needed: Project Reporter, Program Name, CFDA #, Oversight Agency (federal), Receipts, Disbursements. Optional columns: Encumbrances, Program Receivables, Program Advances, Balance checks

21 Supplemental Information
Step 2 – Compiling the Information Enter the financial data into the spreadsheet based on your core accounting system fund structure: Revenues and expenditures are easily determined from financial reports and general ledger (include Indirect Costs) The SEFA should be prepared on the same basis of accounting (i.e. cash, modified accrual) as the financial statements. Current year encumbrances should be removed from the total expenditures while adding any prior year encumbrances that have been paid. If the program is funded by a combination of both federal and state or local funds, list only the federal share on the SEFA.

22 Supplemental Information
Step 3 – Assembling the Information Reconcile the total revenues and expenditure to the accounting system and financial system/reports provided to the oversight agencies. This ensures all federal activity is included on the SEFA. During this process, additional federal revenues may be identified. These should be added to the SEFA also.

23 Supplemental Information
Step 3 – Assembling the Information (cont.) Enter the corresponding CFDA number from the grant agreement Each Federal program is assigned a unique CFDA number. The complete CFDA number is a five digit number, XX.XXX The first two digits represent the Funding Agency and the second three digits represent the program. e.g 84 = Department of Education .010 = Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies If the pass-through grantor failed to indicate the CFDA number, either contact the pass-through or use a key word search on the CFDA website to find it. Some programs may be funded by more than one CFDA number. In that case, each CFDA has to be listed separately on its own line.

24 Supplemental Information
Step 3 – Assembling the Information (cont.) Enter the name of the pass-through grantor if identified as a passthrough. If received directly from the Federal government, enter “Direct”. Example of indirect, receiving money from the State U.S. Department of the Education Passed through Montana Office of Public Instruction Title I Grants to Local Education Agencies $100,000 Look up the CFDA number entered in from the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance website and enter the Federal grantor name and the program name. Programs can be searched by CFDA # or keyword. Enter the program name from the CFDA website, do NOT use the name given to the program by the District or passthrough agency.

25 Supplemental Information
Step 3 – Assembling the Information (cont.) Sort the data by CFDA number so that all of the financial assistance from the same federal program is grouped together on the schedule. This will help with subtotaling by grantor as well. Group all clusters together. Provide subtotals for programs with the same CFDA numbers (e.g. Special Education or Title programs that have carryover funds/deadlines). Provide a subtotal for each federal grantor. Listed in order by direct funding and any respective passthrough agency Provide a total for all federal programs.

26 Supplemental Information
Federal Disbursements Federal Grantor/Pass Through Grantor/ CFDA or Program Title Number Expenditures U.S. Department of Education Passed Through The MontanaOffice of Public Instruction Title I Grants to Local Education Agencies 84.010 396,000 Improving Teacher Quality State Grants 84.367 71,000 467,000 U.S. Department of Agriculture Passed Through The Montana Office of Public Instruction Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program 10.582 36,000 Child Nutrition Cluster: Cash Assistance: National School Lunch Program 10.555 297,000 School Breakfast Program 10.553 128,000 Summer Food Service Program for Children 10.559 23,000 Cash Assistance Subtotal 448,000 Non-Cash Assistance (Commodities): 20,000 Total Child Nutrition Cluster 468,000 Total Department of Agriculture 504,000 Total Federal Financial Assistance 971,000

27 Supplemental Information
Step 4 – Reporting the Information Notes to the SEFA should include these common disclosures: Significant accounting policies used in preparing the schedule Value of noncash assistance expended Clusters of programs - groupings of closely related programs that have similar compliance requirements identified in the Uniform Guidance Indirect Cost Rate Disclosure

28 Supplemental Information
Case Study Your organization receives a grant from Wipfli University, which is a state university, they provide a grant award of $1,500,000, of which $1,000,000 is from the U.S. Department of Education and the remaining $500,000 is provided by the state: What amount is shown on the SEFA? How is the grant presented on the SEFA?

29 Supplemental Information
Case Study Your Organization SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017 Federal Grant/Contract Number CFDA Grantor Program Title Number Expenditures U.S. Department of Education Passed through Wipfli University State Program WU-RAG-2017 84.444 Total U.S. Department of Education Total All Grants

30 Transmittal Letter Transmittal Letter What should it include?
Useful information in assessing the government’s economic status Acknowledgements or awards (GFOA Certification) Profile of the government Transmittal of CAFR to the reader

31 Understanding Financial Statements
© Wipfli LLP

32 Skills, Knowledge, and Experience
To exhibit SKE, the designated individual should meet some or all of these: Understanding of the nature of the service Knowledge of the audited entity’s business Knowledge of the audited entity’s industry General business knowledge Education, licenses, accreditations, and membership in professional organizations Position at the audited entity Understanding the reporting model Smaller entity examples… no SKE

33 Governmental Reporting
Governmental Fund Types General Fund Special Revenue Funds Capital Project Funds Debt Service Funds Permanent Funds

34 Governmental Reporting
Proprietary Fund Types Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Fiduciary Fund Types Custodial Funds – formally agency funds Pension Trust Funds Investment Trust Funds Private Purpose Trust Funds

35 Major Fund Determination
Major Fund Defined Major funds are funds whose revenues, expenditures/expenses, assets plus deferred outflow of resources, or liabilities deferred inflow of resources (excluding extraordinary items) are at least 10 percent of corresponding totals for all governmental or enterprise funds and at least 5 percent of the aggregate amount for all governmental and enterprise funds. Any other fund may be reported as a major fund if the government's officials believe that fund is particularly important to financial statement users. Nonmajor funds should be reported in the aggregate in a separate column. Internal service funds also should be reported in the aggregate in a separate column on the proprietary fund statements. (GASB 34, paragraph 76)

36 Major Fund Determination Case Study
Total of Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources (if applicable) Total of Liabilities and Deferred Inflows of Resources (if applicable) Revenues Expenditures / Expenses 10% 5% Required to Be a Major Fund? Governmental Funds: Elem. General Fund 101 1,000,000 100,000 7,800,000 7,730,000 Elem. Flexibility 129 245,000 170,000 120,000 Total General Fund 1,245,000 7,970,000 7,850,000 Elem Transportation 110 200,000 29,000 770,000 665,000 Elem School Food 112 20,000 675,000 680,000 Elem Tuition 113 16,000 5,000 140,000 160,000 Elem Retirement 114 225,000 1,110,000 Elem Miscellaneous Programs 115 380,000 1,280,000 1,240,000 Elem Adult Education 117 37,000 3,000 36,000 50,000 Elem Lease Rental 120 11,000 18,000 10,000 Elem Compensated Absence 121 46,000 1,000 55,000 Elem Technology 128 4,000 80,000 30,000 Elem Debt Service 150 65,000 35,000 7,950,000 1,260,000 Elem Building 160 Elem Building Reserve 161 430,000 Elem Interlocal 182 Total Governmental Funds 3,000,000 20,000,000 13,310,000 10% of total governmental funds 300,000 2,000,000 1,331,000 Enterprise Funds: Total Enterprise Funds 10% of total enterprise funds Total Governmental and Enterprise Funds 5% of total governmental and enterprise funds 150,000 665,500

37 Governmental Reporting
Government-wide Statements Statement of Net Position Statement of Activities Component Units Discretely Presented versus Blended Governmental Funds Financial Statements Governmental Funds Balance Sheet Reconciliation between balance sheet and Statement of Net Position Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Reconciliation between Statement and Statement of Activities Gov. Wide Statements are prepared using the economic resources measurement focus and the ACCRUAL BASIS OF accounting. (Report Assets, Liabilities, Revenue and expenses and gains and losses of the Government) Fiduciary Activities not available to finance government programs s/b excluded. Gov Fund Financials use the current financial resources measurement focus and modified accrual basis of accounting. Gov Income statements keep in mind other financing sources/uses/transfers

38 Governmental Reporting
Proprietary Funds Proprietary Statement of Net Position Proprietary Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position Proprietary Statement of Cash Flows Internal Service Funds Shown on the proprietary fund statements, but blended in with governmental activities of the government-wide statements, usually. Eliminating due to/from and related revenue and expenses Fiduciary Funds Fiduciary Statement of Net Position Fiduciary Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position

39 Reconciling Gov-Wide and Fund Statements
Reconciliation Statement of Net Position to Governmental Funds Balance Sheet All items that are shown on the government-wide that are not presented on the governmental funds level such as: Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation. Deferred outflows of resources related to long term liabilities. Long term liabilities Internal service fund activity Unavailable tax revenues

40 Reconciling Gov-Wide and Fund Statements
Reconciliation Statement of Activities to Governmental Funds Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances All items that are shown on the government-wide that are not presented on the governmental funds level such as: Related accruals/expenses Depreciation Gain/loss on asset disposal Capital Outlay Pension activity Debt payments Change in taxes receivable Donated assets Internal service fund activity

41 Statement of Net Position
ASSETS: Cash and equivalents 2,807,000 Taxes receivable 190,000 Due from other governments 18,000 Capital assets: Land 430,000 Other capital assets, net of depreciation 16,000,000 Total capital assets 16,430,000 Total assets 19,445,000 DEFERRED OUTFLOW OF RESOURCES: Pension contributions and related differences and changes 1,526,000 Total deferred outflow of resources LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued expenses 20,000 Long-term liabilities: Due within one year: Bonds payable 730,000 Compensated absences 23,000 Due in more than one year: 7,250,000 440,000 Other postemployment benefits 2,625,000 Net pension liability 8,500,000 Total liabilities 19,588,000 DEFERRED INFLOW OF RESOURCES: Pension related differences and changes 90,000 Total deferred inflow of resources NET POSITION: Net investment in capital assets 8,450,000 Restricted for: Capital projects 434,000 35,000 Debt service 55,000 Other fund activities 1,188,000 Unrestricted (8,869,000) Total net position 1,293,000

42 Statement of Activities
Program Revenue Charges for Operating Grants Net Revenue Expense Program Activities Expenses Services & Contributions Governmental Activities Instruction: Regular programs 6,000,000 4,000 625,000 (5,371,000) Special programs 886,000 805,000 (81,000) Vocational programs 693,000 (693,000) Adult education 36,000 (32,000) Supporting services 2,900,000 (2,900,000) Operations & maintenance 1,183,000 (1,183,000) Student transportation 674,000 175,000 (499,000) Food services 700,000 165,000 505,000 (30,000) Extracurricular 30,000 Interest on long-term debt 445,000 (445,000) Unallocated depreciation 15,000 (15,000) Total governmental activities 13,562,000 173,000 2,110,000 (11,279,000) General revenues: Property taxes, levied for general purposes 4,000,000 County retirement distribution 1,000,000 State aid Interest 35,000 Other 78,000 Special items: Donated asset 230,000 Total general revenues 11,343,000 Change in net position 64,000 Net position - beginning 1,229,000 Net position - ending 1,293,000

43 Balance Sheet – Governmental Funds
General Fund Transportation School Food Miscellaneous Programs Debt Service Building Reserve Other Governmental Funds Total Governmental Funds ASSETS Cash and equivalents 1,180,000 170,000 95,000 380,000 17,000 430,000 535,000 2,807,000 Taxes receivable 103,000 30,000 38,000 4,000 15,000 190,000 Due from other governments 18,000 Total assets 1,283,000 200,000 113,000 55,000 434,000 550,000 3,015,000 LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable 20,000 Total liabilities Deferred inflows of resources: Unavailable tax revenues Total deferred inflows of resources Fund balances: Restricted for: Other fund activities 93,000 500,000 1,143,000 Compensated absences 35,000 Debt service Capital projects funds Unassigned Total fund balances 2,805,000 Total liabilities, deferred inflows of resources and fund balances

44 Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet with the Governmental Wide Statement of Net Position Total fund balance, governmental funds 2,805,000 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of net position are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not current financial resources and therefore are not reported in this fund financial statement, but are reported in the governmental activities of the statement of net position. Property taxes receivable that are not available to pay current period expenditures and therefore are not reported in this fund financial statement, but are reported in the governmental activities of the statement of net position. Deferred outflows and inflows of resources are not current financial resources and therefore are not reported in this fund financial statement, but are reported in the governmental activities of the statement of net position. Some liabilities, such as compensated absences, bonds payable, other postemployment benefits and net pension liability, are not included in the fund financial statement, but are included in the governmental activities of the statement of net position. Net position of governmental activities in the statement of net position 1,293,000

45 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Governmental Funds
General Fund Transportation School Food Miscellaneous Programs Debt Service Building Reserve Other Governmental Funds Total Governmental Funds REVENUES Property taxes for general purposes 2,120,000 598,000 775,000 72,000 265,000 3,830,000 Tuition 3,000 4,000 7,000 Intergovernmental: County 70,000 1,020,000 1,090,000 State 5,785,000 100,000 1,000 590,000 6,483,000 Federal 505,000 625,000 1,130,000 Interest on investments 15,000 2,000 5,000 6,000 37,000 Food services 165,000 Other 60,000 17,000 84,000 Total revenues 7,924,000 770,000 674,000 1,279,000 784,000 76,000 1,319,000 12,826,000 EXPENDITURES Current: Instruction 4,970,000 650,000 940,000 6,560,000 Supporting services 1,806,000 570,000 517,000 2,893,000 Operations and maintenance 1,008,000 55,000 87,000 1,151,000 Student transportation 665,000 11,000 676,000 680,000 681,000 Extracurricular 26,000 30,000 Capital outlay 45,000 145,000 190,000 Debt service 1,260,000 Total expenditures 7,855,000 1,221,000 200,000 1,560,000 13,441,000 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 69,000 105,000 (6,000) 58,000 (476,000) (124,000) (241,000) (615,000) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in 35,000 65,000 36,000 136,000 Operating transfers out (36,000) (100,000) (136,000) Total other financing sources and uses (1,000) Net change in fund balances 68,000 (59,000) (205,000) Fund balances - beginning 1,112,000 99,000 322,000 493,000 489,000 740,000 3,420,000 Fund balances - ending 1,180,000 170,000 93,000 380,000 430,000 535,000 2,805,000

46 Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Governmental Funds with Government-Wide Statements of Activites Net change in fund balances - total governmental funds: (615,000) Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of activities are different because: Governmental funds report outlays for capital assets as expenditures because such outlays use current financial resources. In contrast, the statement of activities reports only a portion of the outlay as expense. The outlay is allocated over the assets' estimated useful lives as depreciation expense for the period. Governmental funds do not report the donation of an asset as revenue because it provides no current financial resources. In contrast, the statement of activities reports the donation of the donated assets. Thus, the change in net assets differs from the change in fund balance by the cost of the donated asset. Governmental funds do not present revenues that are not available to pay current obligations. In contrast, such revenues are reported in the statement of activities when earned: Taxes receivable Statement of activities reports expenses that the governmental funds do not and are not reported as expenditures in the governmental funds: Compensated absences expense Other postemployment benefits Pension expense, net of state on behalf pension payment Governmental funds report expenses that the statement of activities do not and are not reported as expenditures in statement of activities: Capital outlays Principal payments on debt Change in net position of governmental activities 64,000

47 Other Information Depreciation Expense By Function Instruction 590,000
Supporting services 6,000 Operations and maintenance 33,000 Food service 19,000 Unallocated 15,000 663,000 2017 2016 Taxes Recievable 190,000 110,000 Compensated Absences 463,000 540,000 OPEB 2,625,000 2,303,000 Pension expense net of state on behalf payments 259,000

48 Questions? Contact Information Anthony B Gerharz, CPA | Manager | Wipfli LLP Direct: | Office:

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