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Presentation on theme: "GRANDS SITES OCCITANIE"— Presentation transcript:

Innovative Business models for smart destinations 29th of June 2018

2 The regional « Grands Sites Occitanie» policy

3 2 main cities Toulouse Montpellier
JJ/MM/AA Where we are South part of France Mountains : Pyrennes Massif Central Mediterranea Rhone 2 main cities Toulouse Montpellier Rural area

4 A POLICY OF excellence The regional « Grands Sites Occitanie» policy : challenges and opportunities Redistributing tourist flows to fight against the negative impacts of mass tourism Distributing the touristic activity on the region’s entire territory to enhance job and wealth creation Highlighting our region’s cultural and historic heritage to ensure its durability Developping Occitanie’s visibility and attractiveness, highlighting the region’s touristic, natural and cultural destinations Stabilizing and creating jobs in the tourism, cultural and environment sectors.

5 A POLICY OF excellence The regional « Grands Sites Occitanie » policy : the key actions of the Regional Scheme for Tourism and Leisure Development Structuring the touristic strategy by improving the offer of products, services and infrastructures and the tourist reception, in order to comply with visitor expectances. Developping a network of « Grand sites Occitanie» in order to encourage visitors to discover the other sites and products available in the region. Promoting the appropriation of « Grands sites Occitanie » by locals and touristic sector stakeholders to encourage them to become ‘ambassadors’ of the regional territory.

6 A « Grand Site OCCITANIE »: characteristics
A widely known touristic site characterised by : An outstanding architectural and/or natural heritage ; Or a cultural site and/or event benefitting from an international influence One or several representative core places Major visite sites And an influence zone A territorial project, with partnerships : A local governance A destination strategy An action plan A strong commitment in the regional « Grand sites Occitanie » policy

7 « Grand site OCCITANIE» certification process
July 2017: launch of the call for proposals Two deadlines for the submission of applications: 30th of September 2017 and 31st of January 2018 Call for proposals Analysis of the applications Joint working group with the partners to improve the applications Certification « Grand site Occitanie » contract signature Regional communication strategy Financial and implementation coaching Action plan follow-up Implementation Touristic flow Economic activity International visibility Assessment

8 Assessment of the call for proposals
The Grands Sites Occitanie now cover a great part of the region: mountains, rural areas, sea side... Specific thematics covering major elements of the region’s cultural and historic heritage New collaborations and partnerships between territories 39 certified sites and soon 40

9 The regional « Grands Sites Occitanie» policy : operational implementation

10 « Grand site OCCITANIE» contract
Defining the GSO perimetre : Representative core places Influence zones Choose the major visit sites Identify the strategic lines of the GSO destination project GSO contract Identifying the structured territorial partnership with : A local authority leader A tourist office leader Heads of the representative core places By associating the differents levels of local authorities, one can formalise the involment of the partners. Setting up the GSO roadmap : Identification of projects Action plan Assessment

Entreprises Technical supervisorTourism Office leader Major touristic sites Tourisme Offices network Repesentative core places Project supervisor Inside of the governance The GSO committee Governance principles : Setting up of the stakeholders Follow-up of the action plan Assessment

12 The tourisM office LEADER of the gso
T O LeaderGSO Tourism entreprises Visit sites supervisors Regional tourism offices One Tourism Office leader per GSO in charge of : Signing the GSO contract Developping the stakeholders network Coordinating the territory OT of the GSO Sharing the regional communication policy

13 A regional policy in favor of the gso
A regional policy organised in three lines :  Support to the territories for the implementation of their action plan : Support to the touristic investments Support to the strategic analysis (digital strategy, communication strategy…), pre-operational, conception and faisability studies Support to the OT pluriannual action plans  A communication strategy implemented by the Region to ensure the visibility of the« Grand Sites Occitanie » and promote them  Bringing an expertise to the territory and to the project holders

14 The regional « Grands Sites Occitanie » policy : value chain

15 The value chain THE SITE THE DESTINATION Added value
Protection Conservation Qualification Adaptation of the destination Labelling of the destination Natural and cultural heritage Smart touristic destination Legislative texts Communication Interpretation Organisation of the public reception Collaborations with tourism sector staholders Actions tools


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