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Sectoral change and informal employment

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1 Sectoral change and informal employment
Key Idea 4.2 Sectoral change and informal employment Economic Activity and Energy Sectoral Change Lesson 3 of 4

2 Lesson Objectives Describe how sectoral balance has changed over time
Use of a CS of sectoral shift in one HIC and one LIC Explain the causes of informal employment and its characteristics.

3 Put these countries in order of development:

4 Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary HIC MIC LIC GNI GDP
Tertiary sector is most strongest and found mainly in North America, Western Europe and Australasia Concerned with research and development Secondary The primary sector is the most important and occur largely in Central Africa and in South and Southeast Asia Tertiary Raw materials are assembled or manufactured to produce finished products Quaternary The secondary sector is quite strong and are most common in South America, North and South Africa, parts of Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia HIC The total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year MIC The extraction of raw materials to be supplied to other industries LIC Comprises the total value of goods and services produced within a country (i.e. its GDP), together with its income received from other countries GNI GDP Jobs that involve providing goods and services for the public

5 The employment structure vary from one place to another
What kind of place do you think these 3 come from? Which is similar UK before the industrial revolution really got going? While it was an industrialized society? As a post-industrial society?

6 The employment structure vary from one place to another
Do you know how the size of each sector varies between countries which have different levels of economic development? Do you know why this is the case? Use the example below to answer these questions In LICs, more people are dependent on primary economic activity, such as agriculture. For example in Afghanistan 4/5 of the people work on the land. This is because in the main the farmers are subsistence farmers with little machinery. They have little to sell and what there is fetches very little, as primary products do not make good prices Because of this they do not have the money build factories nor have full education and good health care, so few people are employed in tertiary activites What kind of country is Malaysia? MIC What is its most important area of economic activity? So in MICs more people are employed in the secondary economic areas in factories for instance?? ( In Malaysia 36% work in factories) How does this compare with the Australia? Australia is less 21% - so e.g. in Malaysia 36% are employed in factories compared with 21% in HICs


8 Homework – 10 countries! What is the HDI and how is it measured?
Which country is the most developed according to the HDI? Which country has the lowest percentage of their labour force employed in primary industries? Which country is the least developed according to the HDI? Which country has the highest percentage of their labour force employed in primary industries? How does the percentage of the labour force employed in the primary sector change with the level of development of the country? (You can use Excel if you wish) Produce a graph comparing the HDI for each of the 10 countries. Group Project: Investigate ONE country and present the sectoral change it has gone through in relation to its position on the development staircase (Development Continuum).

9 Sectoral Change Case Study
Group Presentations Investigate your country and present the sectoral change it has gone through due to the development staircase.

10 Ethiopia – a poor LIC China – a rapidly emerging economy
UK – a post-industrial economy Include any relevant graphs. Illustrate your key points and include detailed information. The best presentations will be shared with the rest of the class as a case study card!

11 Next Lesson... The Informal Sector

12 Say it out loud before you write it down!
PLENARY Today I have learnt that….. Before this lesson I could already….. Now I can also….. The most important thing I learned today is….. I have found out several things on the topic of…. Firstly I found out that….. Furthermore, I found that….. One thing I need to remember from today’s lesson is that….. Say it out loud before you write it down! I did not know how to…. .....but now I can… It was successful when I….. Today I have tried to…..

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