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Integration of REDD+ Courses into University Curricula (A National Workshop on REDD+ Course Syllabus Review) Solomon Zewdie (PhD) (National REDD+ Pilots.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of REDD+ Courses into University Curricula (A National Workshop on REDD+ Course Syllabus Review) Solomon Zewdie (PhD) (National REDD+ Pilots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of REDD+ Courses into University Curricula (A National Workshop on REDD+ Course Syllabus Review) Solomon Zewdie (PhD) (National REDD+ Pilots Coordinator) Ministry of Environment & Forest National REDD+ Secretariat July 16, 2015, Addis Ababa

2 The science of climate change is constantly evolving
The Rationale The science of climate change is constantly evolving based on Latest Scientific Findings International Agreements National commitments Realities on the ground

3 Reducing Emissions of GHG into the Atmosphere
The Rationale Averting CC Impacts (UNFCCC Mechanisms) Adaptation NAPA M2? Mitigation Reducing Emissions of GHG into the Atmosphere Removal of GHG from the Atmosphere KP NAMA REDD+

4 The Rationale A key lever for forestry activities in the CRGE Strategy of Ethiopia REDD+ Policy approach & Positive incentives (Performance-based incentives) ,, Encapsulates challenges and opportunities Scientific expertise (capacity)

5 Design and Implementation of REDD+
The Rationale Design and Implementation of REDD+ Achieving REDD+ (D of DD, Strategic Options, Financing & Benefit Sharing) Tracking REDD+ (MRV, RL) REDD+ Governance (Instit., Legal, Safeguard, C & P)

6 The Rationale Building National Capacity - Training the next generation of experts Mainstreaming REDD+ Concepts Academia – Key stakeholders in the REDD+ Readiness Process and Beyond Provide technical support Capacity Building Research on REDD+ issues

7 The Rationale Integrating REDD+ into University Curricula
(REDD+ concepts and methods into relevant university programmes) Engage university networks as strategic platforms and centers of excellence for mainstreaming REDD+ education, research, development; Ensuring the successful implementation of REDD+ in Ethiopia

8 The Process C Consultative meeting (March 2015)
External (National ) Review Refine the draft Syllabi Contextualizing REDD+ Syllabi Draft Syllabus development and Internal Review (May - June 2015) Haramaya University Hawassa University C Consultative meeting (March 2015) Draft Course content & Time line of activities (Forest Resources Management) (Climate Change in Development)

9 Planned Next Steps Incorporate comments and Finalize Syllabi
Jul 2015 Incorporate comments and Finalize Syllabi Jul-Aug Approval of the syllabi by the respective Universities Sept-Oct 2015 Integration of a REDD+ course into curricula of Universities


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