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NTIA Spectrum Activities Overview

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1 NTIA Spectrum Activities Overview
Western Regional Partnership Online Webinar August 31, 2017 Peter Tenhula Deputy Associate Administrator Office of Spectrum Management, NTIA Chair, Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee

2 Outline Introduction to NTIA
Overview of National Spectrum Policy and Spectrum Management Framework(s) Some Hot Spectrum Topics in D.C.

3 Department of Commerce (DOC)
Office of the Secretary (OS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) BUREAUS Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Economic Development Administration (EDA) Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Census Bureau (Census) International Trade Administration (ITA) Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) National Technical Information Service (NTIS) U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

4 NTIA Overview Bureau within U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)
Responsible by law for advising the President on telecommunications and information policy issues Recent and Ongoing Initiatives (other than spectrum) Expand broadband Internet access and adoption Promote Internet as an engine for continued innovation and economic growth (e.g., privacy, cybersecurity, Internet of things) Ensure U.S. commercial and economic interests are advanced in trade agreements and in other international fora Oversee deployment of new nationwide wireless broadband network for public safety (FirstNet) Perform state-of-the-art telecommunications research, engineering, and planning (Boulder, CO lab)

5 Short History of NTIA Created in 1978 as a result of a major Executive Branch reorganization In 1992, the NTIA Organization Act enacted into law, codifying NTIA’s authority Significant historical issues: Spectrum Policy/Management Reform Digital Television Transition Broadband Grants and Maps Public Safety Interoperability

6 NTIA Structure Office of the Assistant Secretary and NTIA Administrator Office of Spectrum Management (OSM) Office of International Affairs Office of Policy Analysis and Development Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS) Office of Public Safety Communications Office of Chief Counsel Office of Policy Coordination and Management

7 OSM’s Organization Associate Administrator Paige R. Atkins
Deputy Associate Administrator for Spectrum Management Peter Tenhula Deputy Associate Administrator for Spectrum Planning and Policy Steve Molina Spectrum Engineering and Analysis Division Ed Drocella IRAC Secretariat Division William Mitchell Spectrum Services Division Bin Tadesse (Acting) Spectrum Engineering Branch Spectrum Analysis Branch Frequency Assignment Branch Systems Review Branch Chief of Staff Bruce Washington Strategic Planning Division Byron Barker Spectrum Affairs and Information Division David Reed International Spectrum Policy Division Charles Glass Satellite Branch Terrestrial Branch Emergency Response Team

8 NTIA Organization Act, as amended in 2012:
OSM’s Mission and Role Manages all federal government use of spectrum Develops policy & regulations governing spectrum use by federal agencies and departments Supports national and international spectrum policy initiatives and programs NTIA Organization Act, as amended in 2012: The responsibility to promote the best possible and most efficient use of electromagnetic spectrum resources across the Federal Government, subject to and consistent with the needs and missions of Federal agencies.

9 National Spectrum Policy/Management Framework
COORDINATION Memorandum of Understanding Biannual meetings Preparation for international meetings National Spectrum Policy/Management Framework THE PRESIDENT COMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1934 Non-Federal Users FCC INTERDEPARTMENT RADIO ADVISORY COMMITTEE (IRAC) Chaired by NTIA 19 Federal Agencies Represented ADVISORY LIAISON CONGRESS Federal Users NTIA National Defense Federal Law Enforce. & Security Transportation Resource Mgmt. & Control Emergencies Other Services Business State & Local Government Entertainment Commercial Private NTIA Organization Act NTIA Manual FCC Rules (47 CFR Parts 0-199) 47 US Code §§ 305, 706 47 US Code Title III ADVISORY ADVISORY Other Interagency and Industry Advisory Groups Other FCC Advisory Groups (e.g., Tech. Adv. Council) 9

10 Advice to NTIA Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC)
U.S. Postal Service Commerce Veterans Affairs BBG USIA Homeland Security Transportation State Energy Agriculture Navy FCC (Liaison) HHS Air Force Treasury Justice Interior NASA NSF Chairman (NTIA) Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC) Next slide Policy and Plans Steering Group (PPSG) Government-only interagency organization comprised of senior-level officials Advises NTIA on spectrum policy matters and strategic planning Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC) Members are spectrum policy experts from outside government Up to thirty members, appointed for two-year terms, meetings open to public

11 IRAC History April 1922: “Interdepartment Advisory Committee on Radio Broadcasting” established by Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover. June 1922: First meeting held with original 7 member agencies. March 1923: Changed name to IRAC; 13 member agencies. March 1927: President Coolidge letter to Secretary Hoover affirming IRAC’s role to advise President on making assignments to stations owned/controlled by government. October 1940: FCC/IRAC Memorandum of Understanding. November 1941: first Bylaws adopted, replacing 1923 “rules”. October 1952: IRAC “reconstituted”; FCC becomes liaison member. August 1965: First Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Frequency Management approved. June 1972: 50th Anniversary Report. May 9, 2017: Held 2000th Meeting.

12 IRAC Members* U.S. Postal Service Commerce VA BBG DHS Transportation
State Energy Agriculture Navy Air Force FAA Treasury Justice Interior NASA NSF Chairman (NTIA) Army FCC (Liaison) Coast Guard * Observers: Defense (DISA), NSA and FDA


14 Spectrum Allocations 2016

15 Managing Federal Spectrum Use
Spectrum-dependent system certifications Frequency assignments Strategic planning National security and emergency preparedness Technical standards development and implementation Engineering and analysis to support spectrum policy-making International conference preparation Coordination with FCC Planners Operations and Policy Engineers

16 (Some) Hot Topics Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
Spectrum Access Counter-UAS Small Satellite Systems Experimental Operations Contractor Issues (FCC or NTIA Authorization?) NTIA Manual Guidance at §§ and 9.1.4 OMB Circular A-11 Implementation NTIA Manual Review and Revisions FCC Proceedings

17 (Some More) Hot Topics FCC Collaboration
Spectrum Frontiers (mmWave/5G) Space Policy (Federal Earth Stations and Non-Federal Space Launches) 3.5 GHz SAS and ESC implementation 5 GHz U-NII Bands AWS-3 Transition ( MHz; MHz) Other Interagency Collaboration Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey Spectrum Pipeline Act Implementation Spectrum Efficiency “Incentives” Improved Automation and Process Streamlining Prep for next World Radio Conference (and implementation of last one)

18 Questions? My contact info:

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