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Agenda – Nov 14 Honors 10 Membean Login and assessment (20 min)

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1 Agenda – Nov 14 Honors 10 Membean Login and assessment (20 min)
Grammar & Writing Conventions: Italics v. Quotations Grammar & Writing: Embedding Quotes Discuss Ch. 1 of HTRLLP and review for TEST Finish “Le Morte d’Arthur” and answer questions 1-4, & 6 on p. 237

2 Exit Ticket 1. Name one characteristic of a Romance 2. Who is the Arthur of history (not legend)? 3. Who was the most moral clergyman in The Canterbury Tales?

3 Middle Ages Test Review Satire
What is satire? Poking fun at human vice or folly in order to bring about social change What is verbal irony? The difference between what is said and what is meant What techniques are used in satire? Ridicule, hyperbole, understatement, and parody

4 Middle Ages Test Review Tales of Chivalry
 A 'Romance' = An imaginative story concerned with noble heroes, chivalric codes of honor, passionate love, daring deeds, & supernatural events  A 'Legend' = A story told about extraordinary deeds that has been told and retold for generations among a group of people A 'Myth' = Stories that a particular culture believes to be true, using the supernatural to interpret natural events and to explain the nature of the universe and humanity

5 Middle Ages Test Review Romances
The characteristics of a medieval Romance are : Exotic setting Supernatural events Hidden identities The medieval romance is lighthearted in tone and somewhat loose in structure The medieval romance is NOT really about love relationships!

6 Middle Ages Test Review Arthurian Tales
The REAL King Arthur was a Celtic warlord who lived in Wales Arthurian tales are anachronistic Sir Thomas Malory was the author of "Le Morte d'Arthur" and he was re-telling a story that had been previously written in French  Malory is lamenting the disappearance or passing away of this golden time of chivalry. Camelot is gone and none of the chivalric ideals (love, courage, fidelity, faithfulness or worthiness) can revive the golden age that is lost. 

7 Agenda – Nov 15                 English 10A Login to Membean and take initial assessment (25 min) Writing Conventions: Italics v. Quotes (25 min) Legend v. Reality – Read silently for 10 min. TEST Review (20 min) Exit Ticket (5 min) HW: Study for TEST on Thursday;             Complete a 15 minute session on Membean

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