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Faculty of Design Online Information Session Guide to Online Enrolment Semester 2, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty of Design Online Information Session Guide to Online Enrolment Semester 2, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty of Design Online Information Session Guide to Online Enrolment Semester 2, 2013

2 Swinburne 2 Welcome to the Faculty of Design The Faculty of Design incorporates the distinguished Swinburne School of Film and Television, along with the National School of Design, and the National School for Design Research. Together we have a well-earned international reputation for industry-focused teaching and rigorous applied research scholarship. A large part of our reputation stems from the success of our students and graduates, many of whom are now award-winning industry leaders. This Information Session will provide you with the information you need to enrol in your program. We wish you well with your studies and trust you will find your time with us stimulating and rewarding. Welcome

3 Swinburne 3 Please click on the link to see the Program Planners Graduate Diploma of Design (Communication Design) Graduate Diploma of Design (Interior Design) Graduate Diploma of Design (Design Anthropology) Master of Design (Communication Design) Master of Design (Interior Design) Master of Design (Design Anthropology) Program Planners

4 Swinburne 4 Your Personal Details It is the student's responsibility to ensure that Swinburne has current contact details. This is done through SwinLink.SwinLink. Student Email Once your enrolment is confirmed you will be issued with a Swinburne email address. You must check your Swinburne Email at least once a week to receive important information relevant to your studies. This is the universitys official means of communication and we expect that you will use this email in your correspondence with us. Student Responsibilities

5 Swinburne 5 Important Dates Monday 12 August Semester 2 commences Friday 16 August Last day to add units to your semester 2 enrolment Friday 6 September Semester 2 Census Date For more dates, please go to /

6 Swinburne 6 For information on fee payment due dates please refer to Academic Calendar SearchAcademic Calendar Search Failure to make payment by the due date will incur a $200 Fee. The due date is shown on the Confirmation of Enrolment and Tax Invoice. Student Services and Amenities Fee for Domestic Students This fee can be used for student services which may include advocacy, food, sports and recreation, childcare, counselling, legal, health, housing and employment as well as independent student representation structures. Students who are eligible to defer HECS-HELP/FEE-HELP are also eligible to defer their Student Services and Amenities fee. To defer your Student Services and Amenities fee, you need to complete a Request for SA-HELP Assistance form and return it to your faculty by the due date on your Confirmation of Enrolment and Tax Invoice. The SA-HELP form is available at: Swinburne Fees

7 1.Read your Student Enrolment Guide 2.Know your Program Planner and use it 3.Check the Academic Calendar regularly 4.Check your student email account regularly 5.Engage with your peers and our support services and ask questions Top Five Tips!

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