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Managing Risk within you Organization

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1 Managing Risk within you Organization
Max it out – Grand Valley state university fall13 Introduce self and see what groups are present.

2 Risk management You can never eliminate ALL risk. That’s why its called Risk Management. Risk Management is not about being the party police. It is about making sure that each event or decision is the safest possible for your organization, students involved and the university. And if something happens that you know what to do.

3 So what does a risk manager do?
The Risk Manager assist the RSO in creating safe and healthy organizations by: Creating risk/crisis management plans Determining if each risk is manageable for the organization Building relationships with campus and off campus response units Work to find safe solutions for all organization events Complete an annual risk assessment form of their organization Risk management is done by everyone in the RSO. Not just the Risk Manager. The RM is just an elected/appointed positions that is in a position to make the larger decisions. Everyone should be doing their part to create safe environments.

4 What does Risk Look Like?
P: Physical R: Reputational E: Emotional F: Financial F: Facility Reputational: layers to rep. Org, student life, gvsu – Events can be tied back to GVSU and they will always make the lead for reporters. Travel: how are you traveling? - You do not know the bus driver if you hire outside. Ask for examples of each: PREFF

5 What are high risk situations
Travel Open events Unsafe equipment/Conditions Any work with minors (18 and under) Anytime alcohol is involved Travel: : vehicle maintenance, driver eligibility, weather, night driving, fatigue Minors ( under 18)Registering events with minors, reference checks

6 What does the future hold
New Risk Manger Position Training provided by Student Life Online resources Travel Itinerary and Roster Form Annual risk assessment form for University New positions needed to be listed on orgsync for Risk managers. These positions will be provided training by student life as the university puts more education and creates new policies for our students organizations to keep our students and groups out of risk. Online resources will also be rolled out for our students so that we have more information available as you plan your events. Complete a travel form anytime your organization travels from campus. This will include travel information and route, as well as a roster of who will be traveling with contact information. Each students organization will have to complete an annual risk assessment form for the university. These will give GVSU an idea of what groups travel frequently, which organizations deal with minors, and so on so that we can insure that your organization receives the information and the support you need to be successful.

7 Questions Contact Information Santiago Gayton, Assistant Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life

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