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COT 5611 Operating Systems Design Principles Spring 2014

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1 COT 5611 Operating Systems Design Principles Spring 2014
Dan C. Marinescu Office: HEC 304 Office hours: M-Wd 3:30 – 5:30 PM

2 Lecture 9 Reading assignment: Chapter 7 from the on-line text
Last time: Consensus protocols Modeling concurrency – Petri Nets 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

3 Today Design principles for computer and communication systems
Interesting Properties of Networks Isochronous and Asynchronous Multiplexing Packet Forwarding; Delay Queuing models for delay determination Buffer Overflow and Discarded Packets Duplicate Packets and Duplicate Suppression Damaged Packets and Broken Links Reordered Delivery Summary of Interesting Properties and the Best-Effort Contract 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

4 General design principles
Adopt sweeping simplifications: So you can see what you are doing. Avoid excessive generality: If it is good for everything, it is good for nothing. Avoid rarely used components: Deterioration and corruption accumulate unnoticed—until the next use. Be explicit: Get all of the assumptions out on the table. Decouple modules with indirection: Indirection supports replaceability. Design for iteration: You won't get it right the first time, so make it easy to change. End-to-end argument: The application knows best. Escalating complexity principle: Adding a feature increases complexity out of proportion. Incommensurate scaling rule: Changing a parameter by a factor of ten requires a new design. Keep digging principle: Complex systems fail for complex reasons. 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

5 General design principles
Law of diminishing returns: The more one improves some measure of goodness, the more effort the next improvement will require. Open design principle: Let anyone comment on the design; you need all the help you can get. Principle of least astonishment: People are part of the system. Choose interfaces that match the user’s experience, expectations, and mental models. Robustness principle: Be tolerant of inputs, strict on outputs. Safety margin principle: Keep track of the distance to the edge of the cliff or you may fall over the edge. Unyielding foundations rule: It is easier to change a module than to change the modularity. 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

6 Area-specific design principles
Atomicity - golden rule of atomicity: Never modify the only copy! Coordination - one-writer principle: If each variable has only one writer, coordination is simpler. Durability - the durability mantra: Multiple copies, widely separated and independently administered. Security - minimize secrets: Because they probably won’t remain secret for long. Security - complete mediation: Check every operation for authenticity, integrity, and authorization. Security- fail-safe defaults: Most users won’t change them, so set defaults to do something safe. Security- least privilege principle: Don’t store lunch in the safe with the jewels. Security - economy of mechanism: The less there is, the more likely you will get it right. Security - minimize common mechanism: Shared mechanisms provide unwanted communication paths. 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

7 Design hints Exploit brute force.
Instead of reducing latency, hide it. Optimize for the common case. Separate mechanism from policy. 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

8 The design of communication networks
Critical considerations fundamental physical properties, the mechanics of sharing, and a wide range of parameter values Fundamental physical properties The speed of light is finite – no way to avoid the propagation delay Communication media have limited capacity/bandwidth. Communication environments are hostile – noise, errors, lost information, etc. Sharing arises for two distinct reasons Any-to-any connection: the number of paths required grows with the square of the number of communicating entities Reducing communication costs 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

9 Sharing: links and switches
Channel sharing Multiplexing Isochronous multiplexing – scheduled access TDM FDM Asynchronous multiplexing Random Multiple Access Other communication system components such as switches are shared 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

10 Data flow on an isochronous channel/link
Isochronous  equally spaced. Time division multiplexing Requires the establishment of a connection The channel has limited capacity  capacity-limiting scheme 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

11 Store and forward network
11/9/2018 Lecture 9

12 Asynchronously multiplexed link
Computer generated traffic is bursty  isochronous communication is not good On an asynchronous link, a frame can be of any convenient length, and can be carried at any time that the link is not being used for another frame. 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

13 Communication Continuous versus bursty
The old phone network versus data networks Human versus computer communication Connection-oriented versus connectionless communication Packet-forwarding networks Routing problem Delays 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

14 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

15 Packet forwarding (store and forward) networks
11/9/2018 Lecture 9

16 Problems in packet forwarding networks
Delay Propagation delay Transmission delay Processing delay Queuing delay Resources are finite and a worst case design is not feasible  heavy tail distributions of resource needs Buffer overflow and discarded packets Adaptive rate modulated by information regarding network congestion Timers and packet retransmission Duplicate packets 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

17 Delays and waiting time when a resource is shared
Queuing theory describes systems where you have a shared resource – a server - and customers and both the arrival of the customers and the time it takes to service them are random variables with a certain distribution. There are two stochastic processes involved: Arrival Service 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

18 Customer arrival The arrival process describes the pattern of the customers arrive  characterized by its probability distribution function e.g., a uniform, exponential. The distribution can described by one or more parameters such as the average value of the random variables subject to that distribution, e.g., the arrival rate denoted as 𝛌¸ or the the inter-arrival time (the average time between two consecutive customer arrivals), 1/ 𝛌. For example, if customers arrive in average at two minutes intervals the arrival rate is 1/2 customers/minute and the inter-arrival time is 2 minutes. 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

19 Customer service The service process  describes how customers are served. The service processes is characterized by its probability distribution function e.g., a uniform, exponential, hyper exponential. The distribution can described by the service rate 𝛍 or the service time (the average time between two consecutive customer departures from the system) 1/ 𝛍 For example, if the service rate is 𝛍 = 10 customers per hour, then the service time is 1/ 𝛍 = 60minutes/10 = 5 minutes. 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

20 The pattern of customer behavior
The customer arrives in the system and joins a waiting queue. The time spent waiting is called waiting time and it is denoted as W. When its turn arrives the customer enters service and the service time is 1/𝛍 When the service is terminated the customer leaves the system. The time spent the customer is called the time in system T = W + 1/𝛍. N is the total number of customers in system, one is in service and (N-1) are waiting in the queue. 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

21 Birth and death process
pi the probability to be in state i; ∑pi = 1 Equilibrium equation for a birth-death process pk 𝛌 = pk+1 𝛍 Utilization ρ = 𝛌/ 𝛍 ≤1 pi = ρi (1- ρ) E[N] = ∑ i pi= (1- ρ) ∑ i ρi = (1- ρ)[ρ/ (1- ρ)2 ] = ρ/(1- ρ) Little’s law: E[N]=𝛌E[T ]  E[T]= (1/ 𝛌) [ρ/(1- ρ)]= (1/ 𝛍)[1/(1- ρ)] ] 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

22 Queuing delays versus utilization
11/9/2018 Lecture 9

23 Recovery of lost packets
11/9/2018 Lecture 9

24 Duplicate requests 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

25 Delays and recovery lead to duplicate response
11/9/2018 Lecture 9

26 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

27 Example of layered design
11/9/2018 Lecture 9

28 Data link layer 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

29 Network layer 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

30 End-to-end (transport) layer
11/9/2018 Lecture 9

31 How many layers should a network model have?
OSI –has 7 layers Internet is based on a model including Application Transport Network Data Link Physical Layer Applications are very diverse and it makes no sense for a lower layer to implement functions required by higher layers. The end-to-end argument  application knows best 11/9/2018 Lecture 9

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