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The Benson Model Safe Staffing for District Nursing

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1 The Benson Model Safe Staffing for District Nursing
Introductory Resource Pack Q4 2017

2 Benson Community Planning Models
TIMELINE 2010 Launch of BM Health Visiting 2012 Launch of BM for School Nursing 2013 Launch of ASC model 2014 National DN Consultation w/ QNI 2015 DN Report to QNI Initial DN Model specification Benchmarking reporting commences 2016 Launch of BM Social Care & MH models 2016 Q1 DN Pilot selection 2016 Q2 DN Pilot begins 2017 Q3 Launch of Benson DN model Benson Model: Health Visiting Benson Model: Children’s Centres Benson Model: School Nursing Benson Model: Social Care Benson Model: District Nursing Benson Model: Mental Health

3 Benson UK Network North Somerset Ealing Cornwall & IoS Liverpool & Sefton Birmingham Cumbria Derby City Derbyshire Salford Stockport Bury Leic & Rutland Herts Coventry Essex Beds Surrey Lancs Blackburn w/Darwen Torbay Somerset Bristol Plymouth Kent Northants Lincolnshire* Warrington Halt. St Helens A, L & Wigan Medway W Sussex E Sussex Luton Dorset Norfolk Cambs We have implemented Benson model/s with 40+ sites in England (+ 1 in Scotland) and continue to work with several of these providers 4 DN Pilot Sites: Somerset Plymouth Liverpool Luton More than half of our clients use more than one service model Oxfdshire

4 Key Benefits Allocate Staff & resources objectively using a live, evidence Based methodology Match skills with caseload complexity by profiling local demographics Forecast and Cost future service incorporating future developments and ageing Identify Risk, Efficiencies and potential to improve outcomes Link with other systems including PAS, E-Scheduling & E-Rostering

5 Organisational approach
function Information flows Benson Planning Commis-sioning Service analytics Strategic devpmt Financial Health Intel Bid team Commis-sioners E-Sched. & E-Rostering HR HR System Patient System 3rd party software Fin. system Costing Bench-marking Forecasting Staff & caseloads Operations Organisational approach

6 DN: What are the challenges?
Informal / subjective allocation & decision making Rigid standardisation – not accounting for complexity Decentralised planning / mixed practice models Failure to adequately address & allow for “complexity” Not leveraging / learning off data / intelligence / systems Incentivising quantity over quality Failure to deliver or focus on outcomes Commissioners want greater accountability and transparency Tighter budgets / incentive to reduce inefficiencies DN caseloads / funding not necessarily proportionate with populate size, geographic or demographic challenges

7 DN: What are the challenges?
So what? We are unable to convey the situation & challenges within an objective, robust and transparent approach Lack of objective, informed or up to date data leading to unfair staff allocation, creating gaps & risk of unsafe practice Unhappy workforce – Too much pressure / Good work unnoticed / Gaming Lack of outcomes focus may lead to: slow discharge / high re-referral / unhappy patients / avoidable visits / inefficient planning Inefficient or inconsistent practice - “all hands on deck” Not leveraging off performance data = missed opportunities

8 Benson Outcomes What have our clients used Benson models for?
Details Contract support Supported commissioning / bid development Basis for co-working with commissioners Provided a common approach promoting focused interactions and enriched communications between providers & commissioners Rebalanced workforce/workloads Based on objective approach focused on complexity Scenario testing / simulation Modelled future workforce and funding strategies, evaluation of financial and service impact Service reconfiguration / integration Assessing workforce & resource requirements of changing team or functional structure e.g. Night, Rapid Response, change to geographic caseloads Better reporting Clients generate live reporting packs based on latest caseloads, including benchmarking, demand forecasting, budgeting & costing, and variance reporting – actual vs budget Establish fair, objective caseloads Customised approach assessing complexity to reflect challenges using local data and national statistics to develop local profiles Risk and opportunity evaluation Identified areas of risk / shortfall (teams, workforce roles) Identified areas of non-conformity or variance Service improvement Encouraged discussion based on possible risks & opportunities Used to inform changes and reconfiguration in client organisations Integration / Link with other planning areas E-Scheduling, staff rostering, long term forecasting, HR

9 The Benson Methodology
Benson is a quantitative, demand led, live planning approach implemented with both commissioners and providers. But what does it do? Embraces innovation, reconfiguration, service improvement and integration Informs safe caseloads & workforce by applying dynamic, objective approach Encourages robust & dynamic planning leveraging off health intelligence Live system and workspaces inform planning & decision making in real time Applies a harmonised service approach reflecting safe/good practice Identifies & allows for complexity through analysis of patients & demographics Benchmarking to allow comparability & external validation Evidence base – linked to national & local intelligence A shared system to improve and focus communication Focuses on improvement: Identification of areas of development / inefficiency Establishes consistent generic classifications to ensure comparability & objectivity

10 The DN Pilot Programme Why? The Pilot What happened?
We carried out national consultation in 2014/5 with the Queen’s Nursing Institute This showed a lack of modelling catering specifically to community healthcare Demand from DN services to use better planning tools to assist planning, costing and case building The Pilot The programme commenced in Q resulting in selection of four sites representing range of issues – geographics, deprivation, density, cultural etc The intensive programme allowed the model specification to be built and tested resulting in several iterations to ensure a model fit for purpose What happened? A significant amount of time was spent working with the wide range of provider datasets More than 60 iterations of the model building in improvements in line with feedback and to ensure sufficient flexibility 3 of the 4 pilot sites have now received full working version of the model and are now rolling out the models 1 site has taken the model live, and is using to allocate staff & report to commissioners Based on feedback we have decided to proceed with the model and are in initial steps new providers regarding implementation 4 DN Pilot Sites: Somerset Plymouth Liverpool Luton

11 E-Scheduling, E-Rostering
Service Modules Beginning in the blue zone, Benson provides an opportunity to improve information, decision making and link with related organisational functions & initiatives Clinical data integration & development Integration, mapping & analysis Clinical data improvement Demographic profiling Patient profiling & assumptions Insight & Planning Benson demand and workforce modelling Service Benchmarking Identify Opportunities & efficiencies Service reconfiguration Forecasting Multi-year forecasting & budgets Scenario development & sensitivity analysis Workforce supply modelling Budgeting & Reporting Performance: Actual v Budgeted Service Costing Financial reporting & budgeting Tender management Commissioning support Bid support E-Scheduling, E-Rostering Finance Bid team

12 Implementation Model configuration Data development
Client resource Steering group Development & Collaboration Support from Benson Refresh & updates Refine & improve Reporting & Sharing Bench-marking Costing Roll-out Reporting pack Strategic development Develop settings Validation Workshops Data development Data analysis Triangulation Mapping Model configuration Establish scope & objectives Data request/templates 2 weeks Health intelligence 2-4 weeks Working group 4 weeks 2 weeks Steering group Management Typically weeks rollout time

13 Complexity Support environ-ment & informal care Frailty & dementia Patient environ-ment (e.g. care home) Rurality, isolation, cultural, language Complexity Complexity = key issue evolving from the QNI consultation in 2014 Multi-faceted – not just about age or deprivation MUST be addressed & used to sensitise caseloads Benson objectively assesses complexity and allocates “complexity premium” – additional time to ensure practitioners with more complex caseloads can deliver outcomes This is achieved using a weighting mechanism resulting in patients being split into three levels of complexity Assessed quantitavely by reviewing data on the underlying patients & demographics, validated by the local working group Complexity premium Clinical Admin Travel Standard delivery allocation

14 Planning in Community Healthcare – Our approach
Work undertaken Key considerations PAS Baseline report – last 12 months Data validation: - Check completeness & consistency Mapping / alignment Adjustments Existing caseloads Existing staffing Service delivery Area & Patient profiling Benchmarking key metrics BENSON Modelling: - Extrapolate baseline - Reflect anticipated changes in service delivery - Alignment with strategic objectives - Balancing with funding & staffing constraints - Scenario planning - Comparing with actuals 1st year: Apply delivery targets Apply safe caseloads Optimise staff allocation Harmonise service delivery Targeted service improvement 1st year Budget / Plan Demo-graphic statistics Forecasting: Impact of ageing population Changes in commissioning Targeted service improvement Workforce development & gaps Costing & budgeting Longer Term Forecast

15 Benson Model (DN) Overview
Demo-graphics database Patient Profiling Staff Profiling Reporting Local demo-graphics Patient complexity Complexity premium Bench-marking Existing capacity & risk Referrals Care Pathways Patient Outcomes Venue & visit rates Staff duties & capacity Optimum (Benson) workforce Team Caseloads Clinical Inter-ventions Staff require-ments Legend Input Forecast & costing Local commissioning Local config. Activity time allowances and benchmarking Model process Output

16 Complexity premium Complex caseloads require more time to manage
Complexity is multi-faceted and measuring it required facts about our patients and their environment Patients are graded into 3 levels of complexity depending on various critiera (see complexity) Activities time allowance are represented by a range, for instance wound care minutes Research shows more complex patients are more acute, volatile and less compliant They therefore receive a higher intensity of care taking longer The scales use in Benson reflect this Other inflators include language, cultural, rurality and travel Simple Moderate Difficult Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Trend Patient complexity Activity grade

17 Project workspace Intralinks is our online file sharing provider
Secure & NHS friendly Each provider has their own folder Allows users to upload and download the model, reports & related documents Each user access by login/password Enables remote support, changes and updates to be made by Benson Wintere

18 Updating the model The provider and/or commissioner develop a process to collaborate and oversee development The Working group & Benson Wintere as administrator access the live model on the project workspace Provider and commissioner may agree process to release reporting pack e.g. quarterly The models are replenished with updated demographic data and benchmarking by Benson Wintere This process ensures the model is always “live” and secure Reports are shared with key stakeholders as a PDF pack Benson Wintere support development and reviews of the models either in person or remotely by webinar (shared screen teleconferences) The client will identify target areas in the model over time for development

19 New developments: DN Benchmarking key metrics to help external validation Delivery time for each clinical intervention / other services Clinical admin & travel time Patient mix Staff clinical responsibilities Staff clinical capacity Caseloads Referral rates Patient longevity (days active) Patient intensity (rate of care interventions) Enhanced forecasting & costing reporting Development of commissioner support module Testing our new web platform later in 2017

20 Supplementary Material

21 Modelling Clinical Demand
Referrals Caseloads & pathways Services & Activities Time Allocation Clinical resps Staff required External factors Scope, GPs, Acute Local demogs Scope Complexity premium Benchmarks Historic patterns Best practice Future modelling, changes Internal factors

22 Consultation: Common Issues
Key issues confronted raised by DN services in workshops during QNI Consultation: How do our referral/discharge rates and caseloads look like against other areas? Why are they different? What is going to happen in 5 years time? Will demand be higher? How will our service respond? Are we accepting referrals that are outside the scope of our contract? What is driving our workload? Why do we keep getting busier? What number and mix of staff do we actually need to meet the needs of our patients? Are we able to effectively use our own data to make objective, evidence based decisions? Are we recording clinical activity completely and consistently? Is there any point? How do we allow for areas with greater caseload complexity?

23 Our Community Care strategy
Initiative Details Community focused Community care requires a different approach to acute & specialist services – e.g. different constraints, more demand focus, unable to use waiting lists to regulate demand Safety An objective basis to determine safe caseloads and workforce structures, reflecting good practice and harmonised delivery Evidence based Incorporate national demographic data, statistics & research, local activity data; refreshed regularly Objective & comparable Develop generic classifications for service user groups, staff and interventions to ensure comparability and allow benchmarking Support integration - across modules (e.g. joining services together; e.g. scheduling is linked to workforce planning) Grow network organically A larger network offers benefits to users as it enhances benchmarking and increases credibility; all implementations instigated by NHS / Commissioners Ease of use Avoid complexity; ensure focus on key metrics to encourage sharing between providers and commissioners; use online shared workspaces; work towards transitioning to central web-based application Modular approach (see next page) Allow clients to pick and choose scope & support; including comprehensive planning tools & support across community healthcare and social care Ongoing assistance Continuous support both onsite and remote allowing clients to understand, operate and collaborate to maximise benefits

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