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Leadership Learning Academy

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Learning Academy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Learning Academy
Course Four– Financial Operations

2 Welcome: Finance

3 INCOME TOTAL BUDGET Federal State Local

4 Local and Other Revenue
• Mil rate • Ed-SPLOST – Construction, Renovation, Technology, Transportation, Land Acquisition, Debt Retirement Understanding Ed-SPLOST & Millage Rate

5 State Funding Understanding QBE: Quality Basic Education Funding
QBE Formula Earnings Grants: Pupil Transportation Program, Nursing, Education Equalization Fudning LESS the Current year local fair share austerity reduction State QBE Mid-term allocation adjustment Understanding QBE: Quality Basic Education Funding

6 Federal Funding Understanding ESEA Title I, Special Education IDEA, Head Start…

7 Added Together = Local State Federal + + TOTAL BUDGET

8 Sample Income: Cherokee County
States and localities are the primary sources of K-12 education funding

9 Expenses

10 Instructional Services Insurance
General Fund: Instructional Services Insurance Instruction, Pupil Services, Institutional Improvement, Media Services, General Admin, School Admin, Business Services, Maintenance and Operation, Transportation, Central Support Services, Other Support Services, School Food Services, Building Construction, Debt Service

11 Building/Capitol Outlay

12 Teacher Retirement System
Why do teachers teach?

13 Sample Expenses: Cherokee County

14 Too Crazy to be True: Financial Bloopers

15 Thank you for attending!

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