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How to Develop Effective Industry Relations and Fundraising

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1 How to Develop Effective Industry Relations and Fundraising
Betty Sandoval, Assistant Director of Development Fulton Schools of Engineering Development Office

2 ASU Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Development Office
Who We Are? Fulton Development Office – 8 staff members – 6 front line fundraisers ASU Foundation What We Do? Serve as a liaison to industry partners Work with School Directors Raise money and awareness Make and advance relationships with industry and individuals Front line fundraisers work directly with one of the Schools of Engineering as well as areas including k-12 outreach, entrepreneurship, student organizations and faculty support For needs including recruitment, scholarships, capstone projects, faculty research Work closely with School directors to advance funding priorities within their respective units Serve as the fundraising arm for Fulton and work to raise awareness about who we are and what you and faculty do. And highlight opportunities to that need supoprt Build and advance relationships with industry partners and individuals, learning their interests or pain points and finding ways we can connect them

3 How we can help Development office resources Sponsorship opportunities
PitchFunder Building connections with industry, alumni, and other individuals ASUF Our development team is here to serve as a resource to your student organizations. Heres a bit about how we can help and I’ll expand on these in the next slides

4 Sponsorship Opportunities
Developing your sponsor packet Information about the goals of the team A description of the project or competition Clear and distinct sponsorship levels A statement of benefits of partnering such as: Tax deduction for charitable donation to ASU Fulton Schools of Engineering, a 501c(3) organization – All gifts and payments made payable to the ASU Foundation Recruiting visibly on campus National visibility at competition through logo placement Opportunity to showcase or further develop a company’s relationship with the team and ASU Make sure you can deliver on your promise! We can assist in developing your sponsor packet by providing samples and guidance on best practices. For example, your packet should include the following key components: This is vital as industry partners want to know what they’re funding and why it’s important Be succinct in your description. Short attention spans mean you’ll loose your audience if you’re not clear and to the point. Less is more here. Clear and specific sponsorship levels. Please be sure to set exact sums and not ranges. If a sponsor can give you less to receive the same benefits, they will. You have options of customizing so just include that text in your packet What are the benefits your sponsor will receive. Typically this benefit page is a chart and is visually appealing with clear expectation set for the sponsor and yourself on what you’ll fulfill when they sponsor. It’s very important to note that it’s best to under promise and over deliver than to do the opposite and potentially damage the relationship with that sponsor

5 Sponsorship Opportunities
Benefits of sponsoring (continued) Obtain early access to student resumes and portfolios Mentoring opportunities Interview potential employees on-site Brand exposure and marketing

6 PitchFunder PitchFunder ASU’s own integrated crowdfunding program
Campaigns are self-directed Successful campaign components If you’re interested in hosting a PitchFunder campaign, please contact Betty Sandoval at We have a new platform, ScaleFunder, that allows us to put together different types of campaigns to include timed, evergreen, levels, perks, participation Self-directed means you and your team run the campaign and it’s success is due in large part to ownership of it Similar to the sponsor packet, include info on your team and goal, a description of the project/competition/student organization you’re raising funds for and why their support matters. Buy-in from members, active engagement of donors and supporters through direct communications, like , and through social media and 1-to-1 ask, a video with a call to action. Providing a thank you to a donor, timely updates and insider information.

7 PitchFunder Tips Use your networks (young alumni, national student organization, family members, friends, industry connections) Make sure you have an ASUF account set up to receive funds Communicate with the Development Office on contacts, gifts, questions, securing space for conferences, etc. Corporate gifts can happen quickly or take time depending on the company and its funding cycle Prepare a budget and a tracking system for all fundraising activity Cannot emphasize enough the importance of leveraging your networks. Conduct outreach to anyone you think is interested in your effort and solicit them for support You need an ASUF account to receive donations. Especially when a donor asks for a tax receipt or other substantiation that you’re a valid, approved organization affiliated with a university. Having us informed allows us to help you if you have questions. Typically a funder will send a check and it’s always good to let us know to ensure it is deposited accurately and directed to the correct allocation ie your student org Gifts can arrive anytime from the moment you ask a sponsor. But be mindful that there is a process by which funds are processed, deposited and then moved over to ASU for you to spend. Having knowledge of this cycle can help you plan for expenditures. Be patient. This is important for a few reasons including helping to set your fundraising goal, keeping you on track with expenditures and also helps to ensure you are aware of your progress toward goal or lack thereof. It’s also a good way of keeping track about who you are contacting, when and by whom

8 Building connections to prospective partners
Industry Identify opportunities or potential alignments How to initiate contact with industry – etiquette Sample s, suggested contacts, or e-introductions Alumni Past members of your student organization Alumni base within a prospective industry partner Career Fair, Alumni Chapter Alumni communications and social networks Learn more about the company you want to pursue. Important to do your homework to identify opportunities to connect or an organic alignment between your student organization/project with their business Ensure you use proper etiquette in connecting – be respectful in how you address them, proof read messages, conduct timely follow up and collect contact information for new connections to leverage later We can provide you with samples of s, letters – make suggestions on contacts in partnership with the Career Center or facilitate e-introductions to you can advance the connections individually Past members of your organization, program/project are the most knowledgeable about what you do and why you need support so remain connected or reconnect if possible If you know alums work for the company you want to connect with, reach out to them for their assistance in finding the right contact for you to reach out to Active engagement with our alumni chapter – there’s a wealth of knowledge, experience and connections they can leverage on your behalf

9 Building connections to prospective partners
Individuals Non-alums Faculty and staff Other Maybe you’re not seeking sponsorships for your organization but would like to raise some money. We can assist in getting the word out to other individuals whose interest may align with your group, competition or program Non-alums who are engaged with ASU in other ways but show an interest or have a connection to your organization Faculty and staff are also inclined to support our students to ensure you at least connect with them to see if they can support you by making a donation or assist you in reaching others who might - many of these individuals will make payroll deduction contrubutions Other donors we know that we can connect you with or others could also be employees of an industry partner you’re pursuing

10 ASU Foundation ASUF Benefits of working through ASUF
A 501(c)3 whose mission it is to raise philanthropic support for the University Benefits of working through ASUF Charitable gift tax credit Built-in support Grants and other Foundations Ensure supporters receive necessary tax documentation to use the contributions as a charitable deduction ASUF provides a built-in support via the existing infrastructure they have – approve all solicitation materials, process donations, maintain a donor database to mine for contacts, keep track of donations received, provide access to PitchFunder, and make possible the support our Development office may provide you with Can assist if you’d like to submit a grant application to an external organization for support

11 Thank you! Questions?

12 Fulton Development Contacts
Betsabe “Betty” Sandoval, Assistant Director of Development Margo Burdick, Director of Development

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