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Tools for supporting Grassroots Innovations

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Presentation on theme: "Tools for supporting Grassroots Innovations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools for supporting Grassroots Innovations
SwitchMed Civil Society Team: Dafne Mazo, SCP/RAC Andrea Calsamiglia, Escola de l'IGOP-UAB/ estArter Juan del Río, Transition Network #switchmedconnect @switchmed

2 Share your insights using :
Main Speakers Dafne Mazo, Project Manager at SwitchMed, SCP/RAC Andrea Calsamiglia, SwitchMed expert, Escola de l'IGOP-UAB/ estArter Juan del Río, SwitchMed expert, Transition Network This slide should introduce the keynote speaker Share your insights using : #switchmedconnect @switchmed

3 Tools for supporting Grassroots Innovations Objectives of the session:
Civil Society Track 1: Tools for supporting Grassroots Innovations Introduction of the SwitchMed Civil Society Empowerment programme and social eco-innovation and grassroots concepts Objectives of the session: 1. Goals and activities of the Programme Describe the concepts: Social eco-innovation Grassroots initiatives 3. Present some of the initiatives 4. Imputs and new examples This slide should introduce the other speakers.

4 Grassroots initiatives
Representatives- Grassroots initiatives Khaoula Stiti and Mohamed Zied Gharbi, "De terre et d'argile" (Tunisia) Chadi Faraj, "Bus Map Project" (Lebanon) Boujemaa Gueghlan, "CIPA-Pierre RABHI (Morocco) Mohamed Ouchene, "Ferme Agroecologique Pedagogique (TORBA) (Algeria) This slide should introduce the keynote speaker Share your insights using : #switchmedconnect @switchmed

5 Group dynamics SCP Challenges
Projection and gathering of social eco-innovation (SEI) and grassroots initiatives (GI)

6 The SwitchMed Programme

7 The objective of the CS Empowerment component
Provide the necessary tools to develop grassroots initiatives on social eco-innovation in the Mediterranean region Provide additional support to 16 initiatives (leverage point) : Individual coaching Technical support (according to the needs) Support to develop a crowd-funding campaign Create a community of grassroots initiatives

8 SwitchMed’s Regional Coordination

9 Development of the Programme in the
Mediterranean Region Block 1 ( ): Algeria Morocco Tunisia Lebanon Block 2 ( ): Egypt Jordan Palestine Israel

10 Block 1: National Coordination Local Partners
MOROCCO TUNISIA ARGELIA LEBANON With the support from the Ministries of Environment

11 The Training Programme (to date)
1 Co-creation Workshop with 8 selected local trainers from 4 countries (Block 1) (Barcelona – Oct. 2015) 4 National Workshops with key social eco-innovation actors (grassroots initiatives’ representatives) (Nov March 2016) “Social eco-innovation and grassroots initiatives on SCP”: The Handbook The Facilitation Guide for Trainers


13 Multistakeholder evaluation process
The “Support Phase” On-line application for the SwitchMed support phase (Initiatives- National Workshops) Multistakeholder evaluation process (SwitchMed team, Local Partner, Local Trainer) Individual support to 2 initiatives (6-12 months)  50 coaching hours (support plan)  technical support  crowdfunding campaing

14 Evaluation Criteria Focus on Sustainable Consumption and Production- SCP approach Grassroots Initiative character (social eco-innovation) Viability of the initiative (feasible goals, equilibrium available vs. necessary resources, …) Motivation and commitment

15 Morocco Algeria Lebanon Tunisia
Carrefour des initiatives et des pratiques agroécologiques- CIPA-Pier Rahbi Taxi Social- Association Douirt-Sbaa de développement local Algeria Ferme Agroécologique Pedagogique- Collectif Torba (AMAP) Valorisation des déchets oléicoles pour la production de compost à Takerboust - L’association « Tazemourth » Lebanon The Bus Map Project Youth for Environment- Up-cycling initiative in Baalbeck Tunisia D’Terre et d’Argile Pedalo (bike messengers)

16 Final results CS Empowerment component (2017)
16 change makers trained as Local Trainers 160 civil society actors (initiatives) trained on social eco-innovation 16 grassroots initiatives supp. Block 2  Starting December 2016

17 How can we tackle SCP through:
Social eco-innovation? Grassroots initiatives? Grassroots Initiatives are distinguished by: Collective Innovation Being led by the civil society or the community The satisfaction of essential needs The search for change

18 Grassroot Innovations (GI)

19 What are we talking about?
Collective experimentation spaces led by civil society, aiming at constructing alternative means of need satisfaction.

20 What are we talking about?
Organizational structures created to satisfy needs in an alternative way Based on community leadership Decision making is democratic and based on collective organization Experimental or innovative dimension More information: Gill Seyfang

21 What are we talking about?
Community Supported Agriculture Barter markets Community gardens Local exchange networks/Time Banks/local currencies Co-housing and community living Community energy projects Community composting Grassroots cooperative finances

22 Who is looking for the resources needed? Who is providing them?
Who has the need/ problem and who defines it? Who is in charge of the decision making? Who is executing the key activities? Who has the idea? Who is taking care of partners? Who are them? Who is looking for the resources needed? Who is providing them? Who gives value to the ecological impact ? Who benefits from innovation? Who receives the social impact?

23 Conceptual map for transformative economies

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