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Unit 1 Declaration of independence

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1 Unit 1 Declaration of independence
Standard: SSCG2 The student will analyze the natural rights philosophy and the nature of government expressed in the Declaration of Independence. Essential Question: Why did Americans break away from England? How did key European Enlightenment thinkers’ ideas about government influence our founders as our government was formed? Learning Target: I can identify events that led to the separation of the American colonies from England. I can explain how the Founding Fathers pulled form the ideas of the European Enlightenment to justify independence.

2 Disagreements With Great Britain
New ideas about government changed Colonial relationship with England. Great Awakening Colonists question religious authority Enlightenment Colonists question political authority New spirit of liberty (freedom) Colonists renew ideas that they should have same rights as people in England King & Parliament made laws for America Favored British interests over colonists’ interests Americans had no say in what happened in England Governors selected by king, colonists had no say in choosing these leaders

3 Disagreements With Great Britain
The French & Indian War Proclamation of 1763 Colonies expanding westward Tensions with France 1754 – French & Native American allies attack settlers in Appalachian Mts Britain sends troops to fight/protect colonists 1763 – Britain wins Controls all French land to Mississippi River King forbids colonists from settling west of Appalachians Sends 10,000 soldiers to enforce Colonists react angrily Many want to own land Think king is punishing Colonies Think king is limiting economic growth

4 Disagreements With Great Britain
In 1765 King & Parliament pass Stamp Act to collect taxes. To pay for debt (costs) of French & Indian War Law requires colonists to buy “stamps” to put on documents Newspapers, legal documents, even playing cards Colonists boycott Refuse to buy British goods Claim only their elected leaders can tax Based on English Bill of Rights For 100 years colonists had only been taxed by local assemblies Stamp Act Congress Request king & Parliament remove tax Calls this oppression 1766 Stamp Act repealed Declaratory Act enacted Parliament has absolute right to tax and make laws for Colonies

5 Disagreements With Great Britain
England continues to tax Colonies and Colonies continue to express discontent. Townshend Acts (1767) Taxed imports to Colonies Strict rules about smuggling Allowed “unreasonable searches and seizures” Colonists boycott again Repealed in 1770, except for tea tax Tea Act (1773) Allowed a specific tea company to import tea without paying tax Boston Tea Party – colonial protest Coercive Acts (1774) To punish New England, Boston Colonists called them Intolerable Acts Some laws violated English Bill of Rights

6 Disagreements With Great Britain
Rather than be frightened into respecting British rule by Coercive Acts, colonists band together to challenge British authority. First Continental Congress September 1774 Draft letter to king Asks for colonists to be treated as British citizens Call for total boycott of British goods, ban on trade with Britain War begins 1775 – Battles of Lexington & Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill Second Continental Congress asks for peace - “Olive Branch Petition” King declares Colonies are in rebellion Support for independence grows Thomas Paine writes “Common Sense” Used John Locke’s ideas about natural rights Argued for rebellion against king’s abuse of power

7 Disagreements With Great Britain
One Sentence Summary One Sentence Summary Colonial feelings about England were… The French & Indian War…

8 Disagreements With Great Britain
One Sentence Summary One Sentence Summary One Sentence Summary The Stamp Act… English taxes on the Americans… Colonists challenged British authority by…

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