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The Middle Ages or Medieval Times in Western Europe

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1 The Middle Ages or Medieval Times in Western Europe

2 History-10/28 Once the Germanic Tribes took over the Western Roman Empire, what do you think happened to all the achievements of Rome? Why? Look at the map on page 351. List 3 Germanic Tribes that took over Rome How is this map different from the map on page 153? How might society and politics change based on the map on page 351?

3 The Middle Ages/Medieval Times
The Middle Ages began after the fall of Rome in 476 C.E. and ended around the time of the fall of Constantinople in 1453. This time period bridges or transitions ancient times to modern times.

4 The Medieval Times The Middle Ages was broken up into 3 specific time periods: The Early Middle Ages ( C.E)-a.k.a The Dark Ages The High Middle Ages ( C.E) The Late Middle Ages ( C.E)

5 The Dark Ages Time of Decline in education, trade, cities, population, architecture, and language Latin was mixed with Germanic languages and new languages emerged such as Spanish and French. Much of the Roman achievements were lost Western European Society was broken up into different kingdoms and not unified under 1 government.

6 The “Light” During the Dark Ages
The struggle for people during the Dark Ages was helped by Christianity. Christian monks and missionaries converted many of the Germanic people. The Roman Catholic Church and Pope gave people hope and became very powerful Monks & church leaders were some of the few literate people. (copied and saved many of the old Roman texts) Clovis ( C.E)-united all of the Franks into 1 kingdom & first Germanic king to convert to Christianity.

7 Medieval Christian Monk

8 Heroes of the Early Middle Ages: The Franks
Charles Martel ( C.E) King of the Franks Victorious at the Battle of Tours against Muslim invaders in 732. Charlemagne ( C.E) Expanded the Frankish kingdom into an Empire & stabilized its borders Spread Christianity Protected the Pope in Rome Crowned Emperor by the Pope Increased education

9 Heroes of the Early Middle Ages England
Alfred the Great ( C.E) “1st” King of England Helped unify the rival kingdoms in Britain Kept Viking invaders from taking over England

10 Heroes of the Early Middle Ages: Holy Roman Empire (Germany)
Otto I (The Great)( C.E) Holy Roman Emperor Crowned by the Pope in 962 after sending troops to Rome Alliance with the Church Kept Magyars from conquering Germany

11 Invasions into Western Europe
Starting in the 9th Century during the Early Middle Ages, several outside invaders attacked Europe The Vikings from the North Plundered, destroyed Magyars from the East Muslims from the South

12 Viking Ship

13 Feudalism Develops The invasions into Europe caused widespread panic
Kings were unable to properly defend their people and land So, people aligned themselves to local lords (rulers who owned land) for protection. Feudalism-political system in which lords granted land to people in exchange for military service. This provided a system of protection

14 10/24 Why did the Roman Catholic Church become very important and powerful during the Middle Ages? What was the importance of Christian monks during the Middle Ages? Who was the first Germanic king to convert to Christianity? What kingdom did he rule?


16 10/28 Look at the map of Europe on pg. 351 in your text of the Early Middle Ages (Analyze it) Then, look at the map on pg. 383 of Europe during the High Middle Ages and analyze it. List 3 differences you see between the 2 maps. Why do you see these differences?

17 10/29 Look on page 362. What made the manor unique? Manorialism
Look on pages What made Medieval knights hard to beat in battle? What was the code of honor that knights followed called? How did knights get enough money to train year round and compete in tournaments? Look on page 366 What weapons were used to siege Medieval castles?

18 The High Middle Ages (1000-1300 C.E) Things get Turn’t Up!
Society improved during the High Middle Ages: Three-Field System Increase in Population Guilds-group of workers in same job that help improve conditions Commercial Revolution-drastic increase in trade, banking, and business. Education increased The University Vernacular Writing-common language (Dante)

19 The Church During the High Middle Ages
Tension between Kings/Emperors and the Pope started to rise: Lay Investiture-secular ceremony where kings and nobles appointed church officials such as bishops. Pope Gregory VII v. Emperor Henry IV The Crusades ( ) A series of holy wars that Christian Knights fought against Muslims Christians wanted to regain the Holy Land (Jerusalem) The effects increased trade and education between Europe & the Middle East.

20 The Late Middle Ages (1300-1453)
Society once again takes a downturn. 2 major events contributed to the decline: The Hundred Years War ( )(England v. France) Battle of Agincourt (1415) English Longbow Joan of Arc (France)( ) The Bubonic Plague (Black Death)(1340s) In the meantime, the Renaissance is starting to begin in northern Italy.

21 History-11/6 Prompt: Explain how society declined during the Dark Ages. Be sure to include: Decline of Education Decline of Trade Decline of Population Create a good starting sentence for this prompt: Create a good Thesis for this prompt

22 Citations Example: During the Early Middle Ages, Christianity was spread throughout Europe (Doc. A). If you use 2 documents (Docs. A & D). The time period known as the Middle Ages was one of the most important in history. This time period transitioned history from the ancient world to the modern world. However, the people of Europe during this time experienced several positive and negative changes. Therefore, historians break the Middle Ages up into three specific parts: The Early Middle Ages, The High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages. It was during the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages that society was impacted in many ways. Another example of Thesis: The people of Europe were effected in a variety of ways during the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages.

23 Middle Ages Essay Intro w/ Thesis Early Middle Ages High Middle Ages
Late Middle Ages Conclusion

24 Intro 1st Sentence-Write when the Middle Ages began
2nd Sentence-Write about why they began (Germanic takeover of Roman Empire) 3rd Sentence-Write how the Middle Ages transitioned history from ancient to modern times. 4th Sentence-Write about how this time period was broken up into 3 parts. 5th Sentence-Thesis Statement (The people of Europe were impacted in many ways during the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages).

25 Topic Sentences to Start Body Paragraphs
1st Body Paragraph-The years following the collapse of Rome were known as the Early Middle Ages. 2nd Body Paragraph-Society began to improve during the High Middle Ages, which lasted from C.E. 3rd Body Paragraph-After the year 1300, the people of Europe once again experienced a decline during the Late Middle Ages.

26 Conclusion 5 Sentences 1st Sentence: Re-state your Thesis
2nd Sentence: Summary sentence on the Early Middle Ages 3rd Sentence: Summary sentence on the High Middle Ages 4th Sentence: Summary sentence on the Late Middle Ages 5th Sentence: One last sentence that sums the whole paper up and leaves the reader with something to think about.

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