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adorable Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK

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1 adorable Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word to learn this week is adorable. Say it with me: adorable. Adorable means “very cute and lovable.” People often think babies and little animals are adorable. 2. En español, adorable quiere decir “muy lindo, precioso.” Las personas creen que los bebés y los animalitos son muy lindos. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word adorable. (Point to the puppy in the photo.) See how little and cute this puppy is. It looks so soft and warm. Wouldn’t you like to pet this adorable puppy? PARTNER TALK 4. Talk to your partner about what makes the puppy in the picture adorable. (He has such a cute little nose. His ears are so floppy. He would be fun to play with.) 5. Work with your partner to tell about people, animals, and things you think are adorable. Tell why they are adorable. Use the sentence frame: I think ____________ is adorable because ____________. 6. Now let’s say adorable together three more times: adorable, adorable, adorable. adorable

2 dear Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 2 image.
1. Another word to learn this week is dear. Say it with me: dear. Dear means “loved very much.” When something is dear to us, we take very good care of it. Our family and friends are dear to us. Pets can be dear to us. Even our favorite things can be dear to us. 2. En español, dear quiere decir “querido, apreciado.” Cuando sentimos que una cosa es muy querida, la cuidamos mucho. Nuestra familia y nuestros amigos son muy queridos. Nuestras mascotas también pueden ser queridas. Hasta nuestras cosas preferidas son queridas. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word dear. (Point to the puppy in the photo.) The puppy is very dear to the girl. See how the girl looks at the puppy. We can tell she loves him. See how shiny he is. He also has a collar. We can tell the girl takes very good care of her puppy because he is dear to her. PARTNER TALK 4. Draw a picture of someone or something that is dear to you. Share your drawing with a partner and tell why the person or thing is dear. 5. We keep things that are dear to us in safe places. For example, people keep special jewelry in jewelry boxes. Tell your partner other places that people keep things that are dear to them. (Examples include: a special box, photo albums, a safe) 6. Now let’s say dear together three more times: dear, dear, dear. dear

3 needs Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is needs. Say it with me: needs. Needs are things a person or thing must have. Soil, air, and water are needs that plants have. Plants could not stay alive without these things. 2. En español, needs quiere decir “las cosas que una persona o cosa necesita para sobrevivir, necesidades.” Las necesidades de las plantas son el aire, la tierra y el agua. Sin estas cosas, las plantas no pueden sobrevivir. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word needs. We see the family meeting two of their needs. They are eating and drinking. Food and drink are needs of every person. MOVEMENT 4. I am going to show you how we meet one of our needs. Do the action with me. (Make a pillow with your hands and pretend to sleep on it.) What need am I meeting? (need for sleep) I will show how I meet another need. (Run in place.) What need am I meeting? (need to move or exercise) 5. Think of some of your needs. Take turns with your partner acting out how you meet your needs. Your partner will guess the needs you act out. 6. Now let’s say needs together three more times: needs, needs, needs. needs

4 sensible Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is sensible. Say it with me: sensible. When you are sensible you act in a way that is wise and makes sense. Things that are not sensible are silly. It is sensible to wear a coat in the snow. It would not be sensible to wear a bathing suit in the snow. 2. En español, sensible quiere decir “que muestra sabiduría y calma en su forma de actuar, sensato.” Si uno o algo no es sensato es necio o tonto. Es sensato ponerse un abrigo cuando nieva. No es sensato salir a la nieve en un vestido de baño. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows someone acting in a sensible way. (Point to the girl in the picture.) The girl in this picture was playing hard on a hot summer day. Now, she has stopped playing. She is taking a drink. It is sensible to drink after we play hard in the heat. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner sensible things to wear in different kinds of weather. Use the sentence frame: It is sensible to wear ____________ in ____________ weather. 5. We help ourselves to stay safe by being sensible. It is sensible to wear seatbelts. Tell your partner other sensible things you do to stay safe. (It is sensible to wear sunblock. It is sensible to eat healthy foods.) 6. Now let’s say sensible together three more times: sensible, sensible, sensible. sensible

5 train Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is train. Say it with me: train. To train means “to teach a person or animal to do something.” One person can train another to do a job. A person can train an animal to do tricks. 2. En español, to train quiere decir “enseñarle a una persona o a un animal cómo hacer algo, entrenar.” Una persona puede entrenar a otra a hacer un trabajo. Una persona puede entrenar a un animal a que haga trucos. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows someone training a pet. The girl wants to train her dog to do a trick. She shows the dog how to put a paw up in the air. The dog copies her. She says, “You are a good dog,” so that the dog will do it again. PARTNER TALK 4. You know how to do many things. You could train a younger child to do things you know how to do. Tell your partner some things you could train someone to do. (ride a bike, draw a cat.) 5. Think of a kind of pet. Draw a picture of a trick that you think it would be fun to train that kind of pet to do. Show your picture to your partner. Tell about it. Use the word train. (It would be fun to train a bird to say, “Hello.”) 6. Now let’s say train together three more times: train, train, train. train

6 come back Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use come back to describe what someone does when they return. Say it with me: come back. Come back means “return to the place you started from.” At the end of the day you come back home. 2. En español, to come back quiere decir “regresar a un lugar.” Al final del día, regresamos a casa. 3. This picture shows the words come back. It shows a Ferris wheel. On this ride, each car goes all the way around. Then it comes back to the bottom where it started out. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I am going to describe where you start from and where you go. Then say and complete the sentence: Then I come back . For example, I’ll say, “You leave home and go to school.” You say, “Then I come back home.” You leave the classroom and go to lunch. You leave your seat and walk to the front of the room. 5. Now I am going to say some words. If they mean the same as come back, say “come back.” If not, say nothing. stay away return go to where you started spin around 6. Repeat the words three times with me: come back, come back, come back. come back

7 go away Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use go away to describe what someone does when they leave. Say it with me: go away. Go away means “to leave and go to another place.” Everyday we go away from home to come to school. 2. En español, to go away quiere decir “salir de un lugar para irse a otro.” Cada día salimos de casa para irnos a la escuela. 3. This picture shows the words go away. It shows children getting on a school bus. When the bus moves, they go away from the bus stop. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I am going to describe where you start from and where you go. Then say and complete the sentence: I go away from ____________. For example, I’ll say, “You start from home and go to school.” You say, “I go away from home.” You start from the classroom and go to lunch. You start from your seat and go to the front of the room. 5. Now I am going to say some words. If they mean the same as go away, say “go away.” If not, say nothing. move away return leave stay 6. Repeat the words three times with me: go away, go away, go away. go away

8 sit down Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use sit down to tell about a move we might make. Say it with me: sit down. Sit down means “to take a seat, get into a seated position.” We sit down on our chairs in the classroom. 2. En español, to sit down quiere decir “sentarse.” Nos sentamos en las sillas del salón. 3. This picture shows the words sit down. It shows children sitting down in a circle listening to the teacher read a book. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner some things you do when you sit down in the classroom. Use the sentence: I sit down when I ____________. (Examples include, read, write, draw, listen to the teacher) 5. Now talk with your partner about places where you can sit down to read a book. Use the sentence: I can sit down on a ____________. (Examples include: chair, couch, bench, bed) 6. Repeat the words three times with me: sit down, sit down, sit down. sit down

9 stand up Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use stand up to tell about a move we might make. Say it with me: stand up. Stand up means “to get up on your feet.” When we go to lunch, we stand up first and then get in a line. 2. En español, to stand up quiere decir “ponerse de pie.” A la hora del almuerzo, nos ponemos de pie y nos ponemos en fila. 3. This picture shows the words stand up. These children are standing up as they pledge allegiance to the flag. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. Repeat this chant after me. Stand up when the parade comes by. Stand up and watch the birds fly. Stand up to reach a book up high. Stand up to see stars in the sky. 5. I am going to ask you questions. Answer each by saying “yes” or “no.” Can you stand up while you sit down? Can you stand up while you sing? Can you stand up while you kneel? Can you stand up while you read? 6. Repeat the word three times with me: stand up, stand up, stand up. stand up

10 lamb Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. lamb

11 monkey Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. monkey

12 seal Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. seal

13 turtle Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. turtle

14 whale Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. whale

15 porpoise Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. porpoise

16 Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 4 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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