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A Look at the Last Queen of France

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1 A Look at the Last Queen of France
Marie Antoinette: A Look at the Last Queen of France

2 Historical Context Time Period: Industrialization and Global Interactions ( ) This time period can be easily characterized by the numerous revolutions that took place during the time. Marie Antoinette and her husband, King Louis XVI, came to rule France after the death of King Louis the Beloved (Louis XV). At this time, France’s economy was struggling after helping the U.S. gain independence from Britain and excessive spending by the nobility. France also was going through a period of poor harvests, disease, and drought, leading to poverty and famine. This caused many protests. The French began to resent their monarchy due to their lack of sympathy and failed attempts at fixing financial struggles, proposing that the government should change to a republic.

3 Who was Marie Antoinette?
Marie Antoinette served as queen of France from 1774 to 1791. She was born in Austria to Francis I, the Holy Roman Emperor, and Austrian Empress Maria Theresa in 1755. She was married off to Louis XVI, heir to the throne, at the age of 15. She became queen of France at the age of 19. During the early years of her life in France, she was seen as a beautiful young woman that had an admirable taste in fashion. As the revolution grew closer and closer, and the hatred towards the monarchy grew with it, Marie Antoinette was targeted since she was foreign woman (especially from Austria; a long time enemy of France before the marriage). She was also accused of having an affair with a Swedish man, and later on of treason and conspiracy with foreign powers.

4 Primary Research Question
Analyze Marie Antoinette’s role in the French Revolution. To what extent did Marie Antoinette provide an accurate example of the social divisions at the heart of the Revolution?

5 A Look at Marie Antoinette’s Diary
“Rumours are going around, seemingly circulating across every town in France. Most of them are regarding the fact that I have yet to bring an heir to the throne, how Louis XVI and I really do not spend much time with each other... I find it difficult to have a child with someone I do not truly love. On top of that, it seems the French fancy blaming everything on me.” “He (Axel von Fersen) has spent some time in my private castle, and the people have caught onto it. He is a Swedish soldier, making the fact that he is foreign, like myself, feed the fire.” “I’ve been informed that a thief hired a prostitute that bared resemblance to me to meet with him (a French cardinal) to further push him to buy it. I was quite puzzled when jewelers arrived at the palace and demanded money for a necklace that I never knew about...It’s obvious I had nothing to do with the whole thing, for I am once again pregnant and would not have the ability to plan such a thing, but many still hold a grudge, and my reputation continues to dwindle.” “...the diamond necklace and dresses I wear prove that the royal family is rich while the country is struggling with famine.” “ I especially am scared, since I have served as the scapegoat of France since I was fifteen.”

6 Trial October 14, 1793: Marie Antoinette appears in court for a two day trial. Charges: Incest, in which her own 10 year old son was forced to testify against her, with lawyers feeding words into his mouth. Treason and conspiracy with domestic and foreign powers Depletion of national treasury Guilty: Treason and conspiracy Sentence: Execution by guillotine

7 October 16, 1793 Marie Antoinette was executed on this day, at Place de la République. As she walked down the aisle to the guillotine, revolutionaries shouted insults and mocked their former queen, yet Marie Antoinette kept a straight face and was determined to replicate the firmness her husband showed in his last moments. She was forced to change out of her mourning dress into a white dress, but managed to sneak a black ribbon around her bonnet to represent Louis XVI. At 12:15 PM, Marie Antoinette is beheaded, and her body is thrown into a mass grave, two weeks before her 38th birthday.


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