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Summary of theology of Lord’s Supper: to look back (to Christ’s death), to look in (self-examination), look up (fellowship with God), look around.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of theology of Lord’s Supper: to look back (to Christ’s death), to look in (self-examination), look up (fellowship with God), look around."— Presentation transcript:



3 Summary of theology of Lord’s Supper: to look back (to Christ’s death), to look in (self-examination), look up (fellowship with God), look around (fellowship with each other), look forward (to Christ’s return), and look outward (to proclaim God’s word to others). - Michael Green


5 em·pow·er /əmˈpou(ə)r/
give (someone) the authority or power to do something. "nobody was empowered to sign checks on her behalf" synonyms: authorize, entitle, permit, allow, license, sanction, warrant, commission, delegate, qualify, enable, equip "the act empowered police to arrest dissenters" antonyms: forbid •make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. "movements to empower the poor" synonyms: emancipate, unshackle, set free, liberate

6 Empowered for Unity I believe the church should recognize, as a matter of biblical and Christian obedience, that it is time to put the horse back before the cart, and that we are far, far more likely to reach doctrinal agreement between our different churches if we do so within the context of that common meal which belongs equally to us all because it is the meal of the Lord whom we all worship. Intercommunion, in other words, is not something we should regard as the prize to be gained at the end of the ecumenical road; it is the very paving of the road itself. If we wonder why we haven't been travelling very fast down the road of late, maybe it's because, without the proper paving, we've got stuck in the mud.” ― N.T. Wright, For All God's Worth: True Worship and the Calling of the Church

7 “My life for yours.” Exchange
“We may be sitting down to cornflakes, pizza, or Beluga caviar, but whatever it is, life has been laid down for us. We are receiving life by chewing and swallowing the life of something else. We have to do it to stay alive. We have to do it daily. As long as we live, we will be doing it. Nothing could be more ordinary and functional. But there it is—the biggest mystery of all, right there before us, three times a day. We are enacting the rite. We are participating in the holy mystery.” --Thomas Howard, Hallowed Be This House

8 Eucharisteo “Do this in remembrance of me…” The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks to you, Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth…


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