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Welcome to OCHS! Deniece.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to OCHS! Deniece."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to OCHS! Deniece

2 Staff in Attendance Deniece Cook - Principal
ToniJo Niccoli - Assistant Principal Buck Webber - Assistant Principal Kristin Hefflon - Counselor Deniece

3 Who We Are Alternative Education Campus (AEC) Specialized Mission
90% of student population meets one or more of at-risk criteria School Performance Framework compared to other AECs in the state--includes required measures, but may include optional measures SVOGA is the other AEC in SVVSD Average enrollment is 130 Average class size is 15 Deniece

4 What We Offer Classes Core Electives
Art, PE, Yearbook, Geek Squad, Academic Orientation Advisory E-Credit Deniece

5 What We Offer Programs CDC Career Pathway Programs
Cooperative Education Teen Parenting Program Counseling Academic Social/Emotional Deniece

6 Remember your ABC’s! Attendance Behavior Credit
“What you need to succeed!” Deniece A—truancy, loss of position. Loss of credit, contact your PO B—new smoking rule, other suspendable actions, redirects, zero tolerance situations, drug offenses C—must earn 1.25 each Q CONTRACTS/Loss of position

7 Attendance Start of day
Standard day doors lock and first period begins at 7:50. Students will sign when arriving after 7:50 Tardies Enter classroom after the bell = tardy Consequences for habitual (5+) offenders Absences (6 or more days in a quarter) *Excused or Unexcused Under 17 1. Contract 2. Truancy referral Over 17 Contract Loss of Position Buck

8 Norms: “Normal everyday behavior”
Own your actions - accept the consequences Help whenever possible Embrace individuality Practice kindness and consideration Teach the norms - tactfully confront wrongdoers Strive for knowledge Buck

9 The 6 P’s: Universal Classroom Expectations
Participate Prompt Polite Prepared Produce Positive Mental Attitude Buck

10 OCHS Daily Schedule for A and B Day’s
Warning Bell: 7:45 a.m. Block 1: 7:50-9:14 a.m. Block 2: 9:18-10:42 Advisory: 10:46-11:16 a.m. Lunch: 11:16-11:46 a.m. Block 3: 11:46-1:10 p.m. Block4: 1:14-2:38 p.m. Buck

11 General Info Breakfast/Lunch Transportation & Parking IC/Schoology
Monthly Late Start Day Closed campus Graduation OCHS Counseling Webpage Parent/Teacher Communication IPads-Insurance Buck Speak to smokers at closed campus bullet

12 OCHS Counseling Information Regarding: Credits Graduation
Financial Aid Scholarships School to Work Buck

13 Parent-Guardian ABC’s
Attendance Call the school when your child is absent Students with unexcused absences may not earn full credit Behavior Please don’t call or text your students during class time Parents and Admin work together to support students Credit Students must have 24.5 Credits to graduate Must be in the appropriate areas Notify teachers when you have concerns Work with counselor to stay on track Buck

14 Next Steps… Do not withdraw from your home school until you have been accepted Sign up for your student interview Parent Volunteer Form Prepare for success!!! Buck

15 Questions? DENIECE

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