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Cromwell, Restoration, and the Glorious Revolution

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1 Cromwell, Restoration, and the Glorious Revolution

2 Objectives Explain how the English Civil War led to the rise of the Commonwealth. List the causes and results of the Glorious Revolution.

3 Key Terms Restoration Petition of Rights

4 Oliver Cromwell

5 What caused civil war to break out in England?
June 1642, Parliament moved to weaken the King’s control over the army. Puritans called for reforms in the Church of England. Charles I rejected Parliament’s proposals and brought in soldiers to arrest its leaders. This caused the people of London to riot and in August a Civil War broke out.

6 Identify who the supporters of the king were and what were they called.
Cavaliers Anglicans and Catholics Most members of the House of Lords. Aristocrats and some members of the House of Commons.

7 Identify who supported Parliament and what was their name.
Puritans Middle-class townspeople who resented the King’s arrogance and high sending. Roundheads – Puritans who cut their hair short.

8 Civil War lasted from

9 Oliver Cromwell became the general for the Roundheads
He defeated the kings forces between In 1648 he brought the king to trial. In early 1649 Charles I was beheaded.

10 Royal Standard Pub

11 Royal Standard Pub

12 Royal Standard Pub

13 Royal Standard Pub

14 Royal Standard Pub

15 Royal Standard Pub

16 Royal Standard Pub

17 Royal Standard Pub

18 Cromwell started a new government called the Commonwealth
Cromwell started a new government called the Commonwealth. How did Cromwell bring order to England? His army crushed an uprising among Catholics in Ireland. He then forced Catholic landowners to turnover their estates to Protestant English settlers. He promised protection of all English Protestants. He also reopened England’s doors to Jews, who had been banned for almost four centuries.

19 Restoration The period (1660 – 1685) following the English Civil War, during which Charles II reigned in England.

20 What problems faced Charles II when he became king in 1660?
England had serious division among Catholics, Anglicans, and other Protestants. Charles urged more tolerant policies than Parliament was willing to grant. The last four years of his reign he did not call a meeting of Parliament.

21 Glorious Revolution 1685 James II became King – He was Catholic.
Parliament was afraid that his son would be raised Catholic. So Parliament offered the Crown jointly to Mary, James daughter and her husband William who were Protestant.

22 Why were the English people happy to see the Glorious Revolution?
It was a peaceful passing of the crown.

23 In what way was the Glorious Revolution a victory for Parliament?
It was a major step in establishing Parliament’s supremacy over the English Monarch.

24 What effects did the English Bill of Rights have on the monarch?
The laws make the Crown dependent on Parliaments support. Without the approval of Parliament, the monarch could not… Make or cancel laws. Set taxes. Raise an army during peacetime. The Monarch was forbidden to interfere with freedom of speech in the Houses of Parliament. It strengthen the rights of the individual, outlawing excessive fines and cruel and unusual punishment for crimes.

25 Objectives Explain how the English Civil War led to the rise of the Commonwealth. People did not want a monarch List the causes and results of the Glorious Revolution. James was non-violently replaced with Mary and William…Results English Bill of Rights

26 Key Terms Restoration Charles II rules Petition of Rights
No taxes/ not forced to shelter army

27 People Oliver Cromwell Ruled commonwealth/ not liked by Catholics
Charles I Son of James/ signed petition of rights Charles II Rules during the Restoration

28 Cromwell, Restoration, and the Glorious Revolution

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