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Warm Up: 08/21/2012 Directions: Copy the following on a NEW page in your notebook: Today’s Standard: SS8H2a Essential Question: What factors led to English.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: 08/21/2012 Directions: Copy the following on a NEW page in your notebook: Today’s Standard: SS8H2a Essential Question: What factors led to English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: 08/21/2012 Directions: Copy the following on a NEW page in your notebook: Today’s Standard: SS8H2a Essential Question: What factors led to English colonization in Georgia? Enduring Understanding: By studying past people, place and environments, we can better understand our culture today.

2 English Settlement in Georgia

3 English Settlement in Georgia:
Main Ideas: Notes: James Oglethorpe James Edward Oglethorpe was born in London in He was well educated and came from a wealthy family. He cared about less fortunate people. In 1722, he became a member of Parliament’s House of Commons.

4 English Settlement in Georgia:
Main Ideas: Notes: James Oglethorpe During that time, England had a lot of problems with their economy. Many people couldn’t pay money they owed (debt). Laws against people that couldn’t pay their debt were harsh and if you couldn’t pay your debts, you had to go to jail—which in England at that time, was worse than death.

5 English Settlement in Georgia:
Main Ideas: Notes: Robert Castell One of Oglethorpe’s friend’s, Robert Castell, was put in jail for owing money that he couldn’t pay. While in jail he got a case of smallpox and died. Because of this, Oglethorpe worked to get laws passed that would improve prison conditions, and let thousands of prisoners go free.

6 English Settlement in Georgia:
Main Ideas: Notes: Dr. Thomas Bray Unfortunately, once people got out of prison, there were no jobs for them, because of the weak economy in England. A clergyman (religious leader) named Dr. Thomas Bray proposed the idea of founding a colony in the New World for people to go and pay off their debts.

7 English Settlement in Georgia:
Main Ideas: Notes: The New World and Georgia Dr. Bray died before he could see his proposal through, but Oglethorpe and twenty other law makers vowed to make a place in the New World for these “unfortunate but worthy individuals”. In the summer of 1730, Oglethorpe asked King George II for land to make this happen.

8 English Settlement in Georgia:
Main Ideas: Notes: The New World and Georgia Oglethorpe’s group knew that England had 2 main goals in the newer colonies: To help their economy through mercantilism. To form defensive buffers between the stable colonies and the Spanish, French and Native Americans. Using this knowledge Oglethorpe proposed his colony would do all this AND help out the poor people that were in jail

9 English Settlement in Georgia:
Main Ideas: Notes: The New World and Georgia The new settlement in would protect the southern Carolinas from the Spanish in Florida, and provide protection from the French in the west. Oglethorpe also persuaded the King by pointing out that France and Spain had made a lot of money by trading with the Natives. He also promised that his new colony would produce Silk, cotton dyes, and wine- all things that Britain was having to import a lot of at the time.

10 English Settlement in Georgia:
Main Ideas: Notes: The New World and Georgia British merchants liked the idea of getting a good supply of raw materials from the New World, shipping it back to England, and then selling the finished product back to the colonists and others as well—the idea known as mercantilism. The British People also liked the idea of having a new colony that would offer religious freedom, as many protestants in England were being mistreated by the Catholic Church in Europe.

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