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Secrets of the rainforest

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Presentation on theme: "Secrets of the rainforest"— Presentation transcript:

1 Secrets of the rainforest

2 Tisha’s Story

3 GFP – Where Does It Come From?
Jellyfish: Aequorea victoria Used for: Means of visual communication Predation Mating Symbiosis Warning signal

4 GFP Structure – The Beta Barrel
238 amino acids Cylindrical fold Very stable structure that is resistant to denaturing Alpha helices are red and beta pleated sheets are green.

5 Why a Black Light? The flurophore is embedded in the beta barrel structure In the Organism An influx of Ca+2 causes the first protein, aequorin, to become excited and transfer the energy to GFP GFP loses the energy by emitting a photon of green light

6 What’s a Reporter Molecule?
A reporter molecule is one protein (like GFP) linked to the protein you are interested in studying. You can follow what your protein is doing by following the reporter molecule (GFP).

7 GFP As A Biological Tracer

8 Our experiment

9 Step 1 – Bacterial Culturing

10 Today – Plate culture Used to isolate individual colonies

11 How do you streak a plate?

12 Tomorrow – broth culture
Used to grow many of one particular colony (same genetic makeup)

13 Step 2 – Lyse Bacterial Cells (to extract protein)

14 How will we lyse the cells?
Centrifuge Lysosyme Freezer

15 Step 3 – GFP Purification via Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography

16 How does the HIC column work?

17 HIC Step 1 Add bacterial lysate to column matrix in high salt buffer
Hydrophobic proteins interact with column Salt ions interact with the less hydrophobic proteins and H2O Hydrophobic bead N H + - O S N H + - O S

18 HIC Step 2 Wash less hydrophobic from column with low salt buffer
bead Wash less hydrophobic from column with low salt buffer Less hydrophobic E. coli proteins fall from column GFP remains bound to the column - + - + N H + - O S - +

19 HIC Step 3 Elute GFP from column by adding a no-salt buffer GFP
Hydrophobic bead Elute GFP from column by adding a no-salt buffer GFP Released from column matrix Flows through the column - + - + - + - + - +

20 Helpful HIC Tips Add a small piece of paper to collection tube where column seats to insure column flow Rest pipet tip on side of column to avoid column bed disturbance when adding solutions Drain until the meniscus is just above the matrix for best separation

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