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Chapter 8 Section 5 Text pages

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1 Chapter 8 Section 5 Text pages 248-255
What are Supranational Organizations and What is The Future of the State?

2 Supranational Organizations
A separate entity composed of THREE or more states with an administrative structure for mutual benefit and in pursuit of shared goals Being a part of these is advantageous to partners Being left out can cause severe harm

3 League of Nations  United Nations
What had just happened? Early supranational organization to prevent future aggression U.S. never joins and it fails in the late 1930’s What caused this? United Nations (1945) 193 member states headquartered in New York General Assembly all members have equal representation Overseas budget, passes resolution, elects non-permanent security council members, overseas agencies Security Council Responsible for international peace and security 15 members, 5 permanent (China, Russia, France, Great Britain, and the U.S.) UN agencies include: World Bank Group, the WHO, the World Food Program, UNESCO, and UNICEF


5 Regional Supranational Organizations
Organizations formed at the regional scale instead of the global

6 The European Union Formed from another supranational organization, the EEC, in 1973 Today 28 member countries Membership steadily growing Eurozone – member countries who are on the Euro Creates policies to be applied across the EU which can conflict with local customs Richer countries subsidize poorer ones (Austerity Measures in Greece and bailouts in Spain) EU is different from other supranational organizations Has THREE capital cities and billions of dollars Multifaceted governmental structure


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