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Science Business Academia Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Business Academia Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Business Academia Industry

2 The biotechnology industry needs business-savvy scientists.

3 So, do you want to be a biosciences leader?

4 Master’s of Microbial Biotechnology
Science + Business = The MMB program… A Professional Science Master’s degree program A two-year, 40-credit hour interdisciplinary program Offers 16 credit hours of science courses, 9 credit hours of MBA courses, and 15 credit hours of Case Study projects and internships in collaboration with the biotechnology industry. Master’s of Microbial Biotechnology

5 Established by a premiere educational institution…

6 We innovate and inspire the biotech industry to transform.

7 Get training in cutting-edge cell and molecular technology
Develop a working knowledge of the business components of the biotechnology industry Prepare for leadership roles in industry

8 Learn through an interdisciplinary curriculum that emphasizes…
Written and verbal communication Leadership Team-building Ambiguity management Flexibility Discipline

9 Take courses in science and business along
with professional training with local companies through Case Study Projects and Internships

10 Industry exposure Gain experience with the following partnering companies that have supported the MMB program through case study projects, internships, or guest speakers: Advanced Liquid Logic Agile Sciences Abrovax Becton Dickinson Biogen Idec bioMerieux BioResource International, Inc. Cognosci Diosynth Biotechnology Embrex/Pfizer Galaxy Diagnostics GlaxoSmithKline Hamner Institutes of Health Sciences Humacyte ImmunoBiosciences Microbial Insights Metabolon Mycosynthetix North Carolina Biotechnology Center Novozymes Piedmont Biofuels Quintiles Syngenta Wyeth Zen-Bio

11 The MMB/MBA Option MMB students have the option of entering NC State University’s Poole College of Management’s MBA program to receive their MBA with a concentration in either Bioscience Management or Entrepreneurship.

12 Earning potential Average salary 1-6 years post graduation without an MBA: $65,000/yr With an MBA: $71,500/yr Average salary 7+ years post graduation without an MBA: $79,000/yr With an MBA: $93,000/yr

13 Innovate. Inspire. Transform. Google search: MMB

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