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L05 Choice.

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Presentation on theme: "L05 Choice."— Presentation transcript:

1 L05 Choice

2 Problem: We know preferences (utility function) and
We want to know optimal choice

3 Choice $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

4 Choice: geometric solution
x2 x1

5 Abstract approach In the example we were given
we found demands - two numbers Now we use abstract parameters we find demand functionsNow we 4 types of preferences

6 Abstract Cobb Douglass Function
Cobb Douglass utility functions and are equivalent in terms of preferences

7 Abstract Cobb Douglass Function

8 Magic (Cobb-Douglass) formula

9 Cobb-Douglas: Summary
Utility function: or Solution: Shares of income

10 Quiz! A) Let and B) Let and

11 Interiority Cobb – Douglass (always interior solution)

12 Cobb- Douglass preferences
x2 x1

13 Is solution always interior?
Not necessarily Even with well behaved preferences we might have a corner solution Example: quasilinear preferences

14 Choice $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

15 Is solution interior? Hence demand and Geometric interpretation
How to solve for corner solution? Find a buddle using standard conditions If some then in optimum

16 Choice: Calculation

17 Quasilinear preferences
x2 x1

18 Perfect substitutes $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

19 Perfect Substitutes x2 x1

20 Magic (Substitutes) Formula

21 Magic (Complements) formula

22 In Practice Cobb-Douglass, Perfect Complements? Quasilinear ?
Perfect Substitutes?

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