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United States Expansion

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1 United States Expansion

2 Monroe Doctrine 1823 – President James Monroe told Europeans not to build any new colonies in the Americas. After the Civil War, Americans wanted new places to trade and adventure to. Nationalism spread

3 Alaska and Hawaii 1867 – William Seward bought Alaska from Russia: discovered gold and oil $$$ 1898 – annexed Hawaii: provided fueling station and port for the US Navy

4 War of 1898 United States vs. Spain
Late 1800’s, Spain controls Cuba and Puerto Rico. Cuba rebels, American reporters write about the cruel treatment of Cubans by Spanish. Yellow journalism – exaggerated stories about the events occurring in Cuba to build public support for military action. President McKinley sends the Battleship Maine to Cuba to protect Americans. The ship is blown-up (260 American sailors die), Spain is blamed. Four month war against Spain – US wins Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and protects Cuba

5 Roosevelt Corollary In 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt announced the Roosevelt Corollary which stated the US is an international police power in the Western Hemisphere, justify the US intervening in any conflicts in Latin America. As a show of military and economic power, President Roosevelt sends the U.S. Navy, also known as the Great White Fleet, on a world tour.

6 The Panama Canal U.S. needed a way to get the Navy from the east to west coast faster. Also needed a faster route to trade with Asia. In 1903, helped Panama get independence from Colombia in exchange for rights to build the canal. Canal opened in 1914

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