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Term Definition 1. Imperialism

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Presentation on theme: "Term Definition 1. Imperialism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Term Definition 1. Imperialism A. Refers to segregation laws that were allowed as a result of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). 2. Alfred Mahan B. This muckraker wrote The Jungle in 1906, helped to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act 3. WEB DuBois C. This naval commander argued that the US should take over foreign land to help build a large navy. 4. Upton Sinclair D. This civil rights leader demanded immediate equality by working outside the system. 5. Jim Crow Laws E. Refers to a larger and stronger nation taking over a weaker nation or territory.

2 America Becomes an Empire
Spanish-American war America Becomes an Empire

3 Background Cuba had long been a colony of Spain.
U.S. is only 90 miles from Cuba Business interests

4 Causes of war Cuban Revolution of 1895 – many Americans sympathized with the Cubans. Yellow Journalism – exaggerated stories of Spanish brutality.

5 Remember the maine! The battleship USS Maine was sent to Havana Harbor to protect US property. Feb. 15, 1898 – the Maine exploded; Spanish blamed. 266 Americans killed

6 War! Battle of Manila Bay – US Navy quickly defeated the Spanish fleet in the Philippines. Spanish soldiers on the Philippines surrendered.

7 Rough riders Calvary organized by Teddy Roosevelt.
Battle of San Juan Hill – Spanish soldiers in Cuba were defeated.

8 Outcomes Treaty of Paris US gets: US becomes a world power
Guam, Puerto Rico, & the Philippines US becomes a world power


10 This event marked the most immediate cause of the Spanish-American War:
Sinking of the USS Maine The election of Francisco Franco Yellow Journalism The Cuban Revolution


12 This political cartoon best supports the idea that, after the Spanish American War, America became a
World power ”woke” power Conquered nation Blah, I don’t know.

13 False and exaggerated news stories that helped spark the Spanish-American War were known as
Imperialism Yellow Journalism Muckrakers Tabloids

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