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Directions: 1. Copy down the Vocabulary and Definitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions: 1. Copy down the Vocabulary and Definitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions: 1. Copy down the Vocabulary and Definitions. 2. DO NOT Copy statements with a (*) in front of them 3. Analyze the Pictures

2 Important Vocabulary for this Unit
Age of Imperialism Important Vocabulary for this Unit

3 1.) Imperialism When a powerful country takes over a smaller weaker country for resources. *So what does the "Age of Imperialism" mean?

4 Imperialistic Cartoons

5 2.Nationalism an extreme feeling of love for one's country and superiority over other countries


7 3. Jingoism EXTREME LOVE for your country in the form of aggressively taking over other countries to make them more like your country.

8 4. Uncivilized NOT socially, morally, or culturally advanced Savage, Wild, Barbaric *today we call this a third world country

9 5. Resource a source that can be used to meet a particular need

10 6.Missionary A person who spreads christian values and beliefs to those who have not heard the word of God DO NOT WRITE THIS: ***Americans bringing their culture and religion to people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

11 7.White Man's Burden -Poem- explaining how Imperialism was a must to help convert the others to Christianity

12 8. Racism discrimination directed at someone of a different race based on a certain belief about that race

13 9. Assimilation to absorb and take on another culture *Ask yourself: Is this always a good thing?

14 -not getting involved in world affairs.
10. Isolationism -not getting involved in world affairs. *The US was an isolated country until the dawn of Imperialism. (the Monroe Doctrine made us that way)

15 11. The End of the Frontier Literally from coast to coast
-IN 1890 settlements stretched across America from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean Literally from coast to coast Americans felt that in a sense there was nothing left to explore. (This is a HUGE reason for Imperialism)

16 *Settlers going West-- but the West was now Closed!

17 12. Expansionism Seeking land, resources, and opportunities in other parts of the world *To expand in everything!

18 *Areas in pink=Expanded U.S. Areas

19 13.Annexation to join or incorporate into a country For Example: Hawaii and Alaska joining the United States

20 14. Seward's Folly purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7.2 million -
-The Purchase of Alaska by a guy named Seward. purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7.2 million - *This is less that 2cents an acre **gold was discovered!

21 15. Queen Liliuokalani Queen of Hawaii. Overthrown by US because we wanted Hawaii's sugar. Governor put in charge is named Sanford B. Dole. DO NOT WRITE: *Does his name look familiar?

22 * The Queen Liliuokalani

23 16. Yellow Journalism To write sensational stories, not always true

24 17. Cuba or Havana Harbor - 90miles from Florida's coast. Under Spanish Control at this time.

25 18. USS Maine - A ship that Exploded in the Havana Harbor (Cuba)- Main event that led to the Spanish-American War :1898

26 19. Spanish-American War - War to help Cuba gain it's independence from the Spanish. -America beat the Spanish, but did NOT give Cuba their independence.

27 20. Rough Riders 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, to fight in the Spanish-American War! - *Lead by T.Roosevelt! *Made him a National Celebrity

28 21. Buffalo Soldiers Great Mixture of Cowboys and x-slaves that fault along beside the Rough Riders Buffalo Soldier

29 22. Panama Canal How does it work?
-Connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean How does it work?

30 *President Teddy Roosevelt "Building" the Panama Canal

31 23. yellow fever Deadly disease contracted by mosquitoes. *Very rare in the US today. ** Many workers fell ill while building the Panama Canal

32 24. Open Door Policy A letter from Sec. Of State: John Hay telling the rest of the world CHINA is open for business. (or open to trade) China did NOT like this. *Sparked the Boxer Rebellion

33 Reflection Questions *You NEED to write down the questions.. but we will answer them tomorrow together! 1. How does the rest of the world feel about America's Imperialism time period? 2. Do you think this time period of Imperialism is right or wrong? Explain 3. What did the US gain from Imperialism? What do you think we lost?

34 USE this to Label your Map!

35 USE this to Label your map!

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