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My Boomerang Path Background. My Boomerang Path Background.

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2 My Boomerang Path Background

3 Increase in basic biomedical corresponds with doubling of NIH budget for this area at the end of 90’s Basic Biomedical Focus of our study (Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology/Embryology, Endocrinology, Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Neurosciences, Nutritional Science, Parasitology, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physiology, Toxicology, Veterinary Medicine, Zoology ) Clinical Sciences (Biometrics and Biostatistics, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Exercise Science, Health Sciences, Health Administration, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, Rehabilitation Services, Physicians in Academic Medicine) Behavioral & Social Sciences (Anthropology, Audiology/Speech Pathology, Demography/Population Studies, Sociology, Psychology) Other Life Sciences ( Agricultural and Food Sciences, Environmental Life Sciences Chemistry used as a comparison field in this stud

4 Overview Biomedical Research Workforce Working Group Report
Survey of Dcotrate students, gathered every 2-3 years by NSF with NIH

5 Most postdocs supported by federal grants – others are no-federal, state and proviate money
May be underestimated by factor of 2


7 Most biomedical PhD’s spend less than 5 years in postdoctoral positions However, many spend 5-8 years. And those there the longest may be ones going on to tenure track positions. most US trained biomedical PhDs spend fewer than 5 years in postdoctoral positions, although that number has been steadily growing with time (Figure 6). Furthermore , there are a significant number who remain in postdoctoral training between 5 -8 years. There is some indication that he researchers remaining in the postdoctoral position the longest are the ones who go on to tenure-track academic research careers.



10 When compared To stipends
of postdoctoral fellows funded by other agencies such as NSF ($45,00021 ) and the Department of Energy ($65,000), the NIH stipends for biomedical postdoctoral researchers are low.

11 1980 & 2013 1980 2013 Note: NIH 2013 was used to coincide with the most recent data available for AAMC.

12 Stories from the Postdoc Files
Large, successful academic group in a medical school High levels of funding –multiple concurrent R01- level grants Several postdocs and hiring more Most hired to supervise funded studies, write papers, and, less so, apply for independent funding What happens to their postdocs – who thrives and why? Stories from postdoc files…

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