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VIDEO ESTIMATE. TREATMENT WE ARE FILMMAKERS!! We are a collective of Filmmakers, photographers and musicians who love to tell stories – big, small and.

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Presentation on theme: "VIDEO ESTIMATE. TREATMENT WE ARE FILMMAKERS!! We are a collective of Filmmakers, photographers and musicians who love to tell stories – big, small and."— Presentation transcript:


2 TREATMENT WE ARE FILMMAKERS!! We are a collective of Filmmakers, photographers and musicians who love to tell stories – big, small and always relevant and emotional. Over the years weve been very fortunate in being a part of some very special opportunities and meaningful projects. We are grateful for being awarded for our work, but most important to us is to tell passionately stories of people who are passionate about what they do. We truly believe in your branch of industry: bio planting with economic ethics. Companies like yours have an direct impact on consumers and employees lives. We would like to help to expand attention so that your products and culture can have an expanded reach. We would love the opportunity to share our ideas with you an tell your story through a short Film.

3 BACKGROUND We believe our background in event and documentary work is a great !t for working with everybody who may not used to being in front of a camera. For us, the Filmmaking process is as important as what goes on screen, and it is important to us that everyone has a great experience in our projects. We are always aware of sensitive topics if they come across and we believe our customized approach helps us find the most relevant storylines while making this a positive experience for everyone involved.

4 TECHNICAL & EQUIPMENT Timing Research & storyboard development Briefing Cinematographer Consultant / Production Assistant Briefing all cameras and lenses required for production Tripod, steadicam, slider, camera crane Audio Field recorder, microphones Lighting for setups of small to medium rooms air passage expenses (From Germany) Crew Film Editor Music Editor Colorist Sound Editor F X Editor Music Composer Music Producer Soundengineer all Musicians


6 OFFERS – ALL INCLUSIVE Shops / Clubs / Real Estate - from 2.835,00 Euro included all commission. including our concept; individual desires extra cost (on estimate) ½ Day rotation + 2 Day Post Production Optional Aerial Film-flight with Drone Add- On: plus 300,00 Euro Hotels - from 3.778,00 Euro included all commission 1 Day turning + 2 Day Post Production including our concept ; individual desires extra cost (on estimate) Modules for sections possible (ex Spa, Event, Sport, Food, etc.) Optional Aerial Film-flight with Drone Add- On: plus 300,00 Euro Optional add-on high-end photo : including Retusche100, - Euro per photo Concept idea: we organize " Speed-films" In advance, we would then sell shooting days during our movie tours - the customers there by saving a large part of the travel costs, because we consecutively rotate several films during a single trip. Our production concept Ready-made scripts, which consciously charge the brand emotionally, and actively promote the sale; optional individual screenplays surcharge. Production level well-known movies and brand commercials. With / without Actor (provided by the customer or booked by us for an additional charge). Best Music (from a selection of our library).

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