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Buildup to the Spanish American War

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1 Buildup to the Spanish American War
Mr. Chojnacki US History II

2 Cuba Cuba was still a colony of Spain in the late 1800’s
Group of Cubans seeking Independence revolt Funded by Cuban nationals in NY and Florida

3 Cuban Tactics Guerilla Warfare Burn Spanish crops and property
Blow up RR’s Execute people loyal to Spain

4 Spain’s Response Led by General Weyler
Reconcentration Policy: put everyone in cities Anyone outside cities would be shot Cities were unsanitary (200,000 dead by 1898)

5 Yellow Journalism Spanish atrocities hyped and sensationalized by U.S. Media Hearst and Pulitzer were most well known newspaper owners of the time

6 The De Lome Letter Written by Spanish Official
Intercepted and published by Hearst Made fun of President McKinley Angered American Public May have been made up

7 Remember the Maine!!! U.S. needed a reason to invade Cuba
Feb. 15, 1898 the USS Maine explodes in Havana Harbor (266 Dead) Yellow Press blames Spanish Terrorists Congress declares war w/ huge public support




11 Send in the Rough Riders!!!

12 Or Maybe These Guys


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