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Presentation on theme: "EKONOMSKI ZNAČAJ RECIKLAŽE PET-a Dipl ing Branimir Kesić."— Presentation transcript:


2 eurofoil o Proizvodi PET foliju i film o Tradicija 30 godina o 70 zaposlenih

3 sirovina ?????? o cena uvoza originalnog granulata

4 Fabrika za reciklažu o 7000 t godišnje o broj radnih mesta za 30%

5 Sakupljanje

6 Uslugom sakupljanja pokriveno je 27 gradova, oko 40% teritorije Republike Srbije. Sakupljanje

7 Partneri o JKP Beograd o PWW Srbija o Regionalna deponija Duboko o Coca Cola o Pepsi o Veropulos o Idea …….

8 Primena PET-a o Prehrambena industrija o Tekstilna industrija o Energetika ……

9 o 5 flaša 0,5 l = 1 majica o 10 flaša 0,5l = 1 kadica o 54 flaše 0,5 l = 1m2 itisona Primena PET-a

10 Ekonomski značaj o 3-5 god.potrebno za povrat investicija o Zaštita životne sredine

11 Two million plastic bottles recycled for car seat fabric Ford is finding a new use for about 2 million plastic bottles.

12 They were ground up and used to make the fabrics that go into the upholstery on car seats. The average Ford with seats made from the material goes through 22 recycled plastic bottles

13 Ford says about 29% of plastic bottles are recycled, half the rate of Europe. The seat fabric, called Repreve, is a polyester fiber made from recycled materials. To underscore its effort, Ford plans to show how it can recycle plastic bottles from the North American International Auto Show in Detroit next week and put it toward its effort Ford is committed to delivering vehicles with leading fuel efficiency while targeting at least 25% clean technology in interior materials across our lineup," says Carol Kordich, lead designer of Sustainable Materials for Ford.

14 Among the vehicles that will get the fabric are the new Focus electric, Ford's first all-electric passenger car. It started production last month in Wayne, Mich. In 2009, Ford mandated that fabric suppliers use a minimum of 25% recycled content for all 2009 and beyond model year vehicles. Since then, 37 different fabrics meeting the requirements have been developed and incorporated into Ford vehicles. Examples include soy foam seat cushions and head restraints, wheat straw-filled plastic, castor oil foam in instrument panels, recycled resins for underbody systems, recycled yarns on seat covers and natural-fiber plastic for interior components

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