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Microsoft’s Vision for Data Governance

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1 Microsoft’s Vision for Data Governance

2 Restricting Data Sharing Data can take many paths
Dad Mom Tim Eve Ray Pat Guy Your community can consist of family, friends, club members, and your religious congregation. When sharing data in your community it can get passed on in many ways. Individuals need to feel that their data is protected once it leaves their computers. Kim Ian Doctor Ski Club 11/9/2018

3 Restricting Enterprise Data
Enterprise Environment Access Media Customer record Medical history Data can come from anywhere Employees want access to all of the data Transactions New content can get added over time Enterprises need to be able to track all data that belongs to specific individuals or companies. They also need to be able to manage access to this data based on a user’s role. Most systems today do not provide a holistic role-based access control system. Customers, partners, and web visitors often share their information with enterprises Additional content is often added to the original record How do we limit what employees can access? 11/9/2018

4 Data Governance in Action
Access request is checked against policy Each access blocked until verified Each access logged for later reporting At login employee is assigned a set of roles Policy Expression language Access In a world where RBAC has been deployed, when a user logs into active directory he is assigned the roles, tasks, operations, and applications that will be applied to his experience while using the network. When attempting to access content the RBAC module for each application will access the policy database to determine if the access and allowed and to what extent. Once gaining access the user’s access will be audited for reporting purposes. RBAC with conditions and exceptions Customer record Transaction data Office documents Media ISA Server keeps sensitive data inside the enterprise 11/9/2018

5 11/9/2018 © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. 11/9/2018

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