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Extended Definition Essay Checklist

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Presentation on theme: "Extended Definition Essay Checklist"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extended Definition Essay Checklist
Did you establish a context for writing in your introduction? Did you avoid using second person? Did you write your essay with your specific audience in mind? (CCHS students and/or teachers)

2 Organizing and Developing Ideas: Essays & Paragraphs

3 What are the components of a well written Essay?
Engage/Hook Establish context/provide background info Thesis Statement

4 What are the components of a well essay?
Supporting details Development ORGANIZATION Transition 4

5 logical order order of importance chronological order spatial order
Once writers gather their ideas, how should those ideas be organized? Does it matter? logical order order of importance chronological order spatial order

6 What are different ways to develop/explain a main idea?
definition examples cause/effect compare/contrast

7 Examples for example for instance one time
How can a writer guide the reader from one idea to the next and show the relationship between ideas? Examples for example for instance one time

8 Comparison/ Contrast similarly on the other hand also as well unlike
How can a writer guide the reader from one idea to the next and show the relationship between ideas? Comparison/ similarly also as well like Contrast on the other hand unlike in contrast however

9 Cause / Effect because therefore as a result of as a result due to
How can a writer guide the reader from one idea to the next and show the relationship between ideas? Cause / because as a result of due to since Effect therefore as a result consequently if…then

10 How can a writer guide the reader from one idea to the next with a smooth transition?
Include transitional words and/or phrases that show the connection and relationship between ideas.

11 What purpose does a conclusion serve?
Sums up the main ideas using different words. Provides closure with a personal reflection or thought.

12 Extended Definition Essay Checklist
Did you establish a context for writing in your introduction? Did you avoid using second person? Did you write your essay with your specific audience in mind? (CCHS students and/or teachers) Do you provide smooth transition between ideas AND show the relationship and connection between ideas with appropriate transitional words/phrases? Did you show with specific examples/situations/illustrations/anecdotes (instead of just telling)?

13 Being a teacher is hectic
Being a teacher is hectic. I teach six classes everyday, which involves my standing on my feet and talking several hours per day to over one hundred different personalities. Unlike most professionals, my work day does not end when the clock indicates it is time to go home. I usually stick around for up to an hour after the students have left, trying to organize my room, put grades in the computer, or make copies for the next day’s lessons. Due to the fact that I teach English, I spend at least an hour grading papers and assessing student writing most evenings after I get home. For example, last night I read twenty-five essays before I went to bed. Without a doubt, my job is very demanding, but it is so worth while knowing that I have the opportunity to positively touch the lives of so many young adults. Being a teacher is hectic. I spend a lot of time planning and grading papers at night. Most of the time I stay in my classroom for about an hour after my students have left. I also stand on my feet and talk all day. In addition, I have to interact with over one hundred students and their various moods and behaviors. Without a doubt, it is very hectic being a teacher.

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