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Access through Affordability and Confidence

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1 Access through Affordability and Confidence
2018 Western Pathways Conference

2 Constraints to Education Overcoming Constraints
BYU-Pathway has grown by unlocking constraints to education Constraints to Education Overcoming Constraints Cost Fear Access Affordable Offerings Spiritual & Academic Confidence Online, Local Gatherings

3 Growth in the BYU System of Education
Pathway has unlocked hope and confidence for education, creating tremendous growth in the BYU educational system

4 Growth in the BYU System of Education
Pathway has unlocked hope and confidence for education, creating tremendous growth in the BYU educational system

5 Growth in the BYU System of Education
Pathway has unlocked hope and confidence for education, creating tremendous growth in the BYU educational system

6 Writing and Communication
BYU-Pathway Curriculum is Designed to Build Hope and Confidence Life Skills Additional Learning Outcomes Teach purpose of education Build a connection to the institution Identify job skills and program path Develop core learning skills Build self-reliance and grit Professional Skills College Skills Quantitative Reasoning Writing and Communication

7 Terminal Job Certificate
Curriculum Design: Degree Structure The power of stackable, skill-based certificates Terminal Job Certificate

8 Persistence While certificates provide freestanding value, they also increase the probability of persisting toward a bachelor's degree Pre-certificate Persistence Post-certificate Persistence 65% 86%

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