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Explorers & Motives in the Age of Exploration

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Presentation on theme: "Explorers & Motives in the Age of Exploration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Explorers & Motives in the Age of Exploration

2 Motives for Exploration

3 Why Explore? List as many possible reasons/motives for exploration that you can think of… Spices in Asia Gold, silver, precious stones Expand knowledge of the world Control a larger empire (resources) Spread Christianity Animal furs/fish Adventure

4 “Gold, God, and Glory” Interest in spread of Christianity
Sense of adventure; build empires Obtain riches; demand for products was so high that there was great profit to be had

5 Explorers

6 Major Countries Portugal: Spain: Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama
Christopher Columbus Juan Ponce de Leon Ferdinand Magellan

7 Bartolomeu Dias ( ) Sailed around Cape of Good Hope at southern tip of Africa. Found route to Indian Ocean Trade can go from Europe to Asia by sea


9 Vasco da Gama Landed in India in 1498
Important trade route from Europe to India and East Indies.


11 Ferdinand Magellan His crew made first round-the-world voyage.
Proved for certain that the world was round. Magellan was killed in the Phillippines, did not make it home.


13 Christopher Columbus

14 Christopher Columbus Believed a shorter route to Asia could be found by sailing westward instead of around Africa. Found the Americas instead. Oops.

15 Juan Ponce de Leon Sailed an expedition for Spain in search of the mythical fountain of youth Instead, found Southeast Coast of North America Founded the oldest colony in Puerto Rico Florida!

16 Things Start To Get Tense
Portugal believes Columbus has reached Asia Tension between Spain/Portugal Treaty of Tordesillas Divides world in two. West of line to Spain, east to Portugal

17 Voyage of Juan Ponce de Leon

18 Explorers Facebook Project!
You get to choose an explorer and make a Facebook profile for that explorer. You will need to do some research first, and complete the Graphic Organizer as a rough draft. Once I see your rough draft, you will get your Facebook template to begin making the final draft. You will have the rest of today, tomorrow, and half of Friday to finish the project. We will have a gallery walk the second half of Friday.

19 Instructions Sheet Pay close attention to how many examples are required for each section. Some color is required! You may draw or print pictures.

20 Explorer Options There are a limited number of each explorer.
Think of a few you would be willing to do. Your options are: Ferdinand Magellan Vasco da Gama Christopher Columbus Juan Ponce de Leon Leif Eriksson Amerigo Vespucci Hernando de Soto John Cabot

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