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Seasons Seasons Курсовая работа учителя английского языка ФМЛ 366

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1 Seasons Seasons Курсовая работа учителя английского языка ФМЛ 366
Семеновой Татьяны Николаевны

2 Contents Seasons Months Weather

3 There are four seasons in a year.
They are… … winter … spring … summer … autumn = fall

4 There are twelve months in a year.
December June January July February winter August are spring months. summer March autumn September April October May November

5 Word Puzzle N O V A M Z E A G J H O F W T G H I P N A M
D E C E M B E R Z N A A B W M A Y V I Y U P Q R E X R J U L Y A W Q U J O C T O B E R V G A I L H U P F S Y Y Q R B Y K J U N E T F D Y O U A U G U S T S ... and ...

6 The weather is... ...cold, frosty and windy in winter. It often snows.
...changeable in spring. It is warm and sunny. The sky is blue. ...sunny and hot in summer., cloudy, rainy and wet in autumn.

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