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Final Defense – Spencer Perry

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1 Final Defense – Spencer Perry
Aligning Open Science Textbooks to the Next Generation Science Standards Final Defense – Spencer Perry

2 The Problem 2015: University of Idaho develops open science textbook
2017: Idaho legislature adopts NGSS (finalized in Feb 2018) Degree to which the textbook is aligned with NGSS is unknown

3 Background What is alignment? Horizontal and vertical alignment
Webb Model - Focuses on assessments and objectives SEC Model - Focuses on assessments, objectives, and instruction

4 Background { Webb Model { SEC Model Level 1 Mapping Level 2 Creating
Horizontal Alignment (Assessment) SEC Model Level 3 Vertical Alignment (Instruction and Policy) Level 4

5 The Process The tagging sheet Retagging External tagging
Science teaching sophomores (7) Science teaching student teachers (2) Science teaching adjunct faculty (1)

6 Reliability Intraclass Correlations (ICC)
Compares the observations of two or more raters Internal Reliability very good (average ICC: 0.93, SD: 0.08) Assume that my tags are valid Undergraduates are inconsistent (average ICC: 0.60, SD: 0.22) Faculty is probably better (average ICC: 0.69, SD: 0.02) Most likely a training issue

7 Outcomes Correlations documents List of editing issues Recommendations
Headings indicating NGSS support should be added at the beginning of each section and existing headings should be updated to match the correlation documents. (Very High) URLs leading to paid services should be removed. (High) The textbook should be renamed to Physical Science 3.0: With Next Generation Science Standards Alignment. A proposed cover image is included in Appendix G. (Very Low)

8 Is it Aligned? Yes - Most of the standards are tagged at least once (84%) No - Some standards cannot be achieved by a textbook (16%) MS-PS2-5. Conduct an investigation and evaluate the experimental design to provide evidence that fields exist between objects exerting forces on each other even though the objects are not in contact.

9 Questions

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