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Revision Techniques and Ideas

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Presentation on theme: "Revision Techniques and Ideas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision Techniques and Ideas
Objectives: To identify practical ideas and methods to improve the way students revise. To help establish the link between what you revise and what you will be tested on. To understand how you can make use of resources available from the examination boards.


3 Use the examination board website to find the subject syllabus.
This will give you a checklist for all the topics you need to revise.

4 TOPIC ON A PAGE Exam questions will often ask you about a specific topic you have studied in lessons. Can you identify the topic which the question on the next slide is focussing on?

5 Mechanics of Breathing


7 What You Need to Know! You need to know the structure of the human breathing system and the events that occur during breathing, which is correctly known as ventilation. - Trachea - the main tube through which air passes. Has cartilage rings around it to keep it open. - Bronchus and bronchioles - smaller divisions of the trachea. The bronchioles are smaller. - Intercostal muscles - muscles which lift the ribs and change the volume of the lungs. - Alveoli - Small air sacs which are the sites of gas exchange. They are closely associated with blood capillaries. - Diaphragm - a sheet of muscle which separates the thorax from the abdomen.

8 Mechanisms of breathing – inspiration
When you breathe in: Intercostal muscles pull ribs up and out intercostal muscles between the ribs contract, pulling the ribs up and out the diaphragm muscle below the lungs contracts and flattens, increasing the size of the chest the lung volume increase, so the pressure inside them falls. This causes air to rush in through the nose or mouth. Diaphragm contracts and moves down

9 Mechanisms of breathing – inspiration

10 Mechanisms of breathing – expiration
When you breathe out: Ribs move in and down Intercostal muscles between the ribs relax so that the chest walls move in and down. The diaphragm muscle below the lungs relaxes and bulges up, reducing the size of the chest. The lung volume decreases, so the pressure inside increases and waste gas is pushed up the trachea and out through the nose or mouth. Diaphragm relaxes and bulges up

11 Mechanisms of breathing – expiration

12 Use ‘Topic on a Page’ to cover all the points for each individual topic on one single page.
This will help you to put the key ideas and words into specific sections. The idea is you then use these key ideas to help you structure your answers for particular topics.

13 Past Exam Questions and Mark Schemes
This is one of the most important components of your revision. It should be used when you are revising each individual topic. It will help you to identify the keywords for each topic as well as how to structure your answers. LETS HAVE A GO!



16 Mechanics of Breathing

17 Mechanics of Breathing Mark Scheme.
Q5. (a) (i) Which part of the human breathing system does the flexible rubber sheet represent? (1) Diaphragm – must be the correct spelling (ii) Explain why the balloons inflate when the flexible rubber sheet is pulled down. (3) The volume inside the jar increases. This causes the air pressure in the jar and the balloons to decrease Air is drawn in and enters the balloons.

18 What is inspiration and how does it occur in the human body? (5)
Mark Scheme Inspiration – The movement of air from outside of the body into the lungs. The intercostal muscles between the ribs contract, pulling the ribs up and out. The diaphragm muscle below the lungs contracts and flattens. This increases the size of the chest cavity and decreases pressure in the lungs. This causes air to flow into the lungs Movement from a high pressure area outside the body to a lower pressure area in the lungs.

19 How Could You Use This Mark Scheme To Add To Your Topic On A Page?
Inspiration – The movement of air from outside of the body into the lungs. The intercostal muscles between the ribs contract, pulling the ribs up and out. The diaphragm muscle below the lungs contracts and flattens. This increases the size of the chest cavity and decreases pressure in the lungs. This causes air to flow into the lungs Movement from a higher pressure area outside the body to a lower pressure area in the lungs.

20 MNEMONICS Example


22 What is Health?

23 Video

24 What does this mean? Beckham Video
‘’Don’t practise until you get it right. Practise until you can’t get it wrong’’. What does this mean? Beckham Video

25 Cover and Repeat

26 Top Tips Organise Yourself: Make a Revision Timetable
Have a quiet place to work Work for small sections of time i.e. 30mins Have a specific focus for each time slot (topic) Leave your phone in a separate room. Ask someone to start a stop watch. Involve your parents Organise your resources before you start Test yourself at the end of each session

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