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By Luke Mejia and Joshua Blakey

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1 By Luke Mejia and Joshua Blakey
3/27/2018 By Luke Mejia and Joshua Blakey

2 Description of Disease
Causes extra mucus in lungs. Airways narrow and swell. Causes shortness of breath. Many different types of Asthma(allergic Asthma,  exercise induced Asthma)

3 Cause of Disease Exposure to harmful substances Allergies
Airborne substanse(Dust,Pollen,Mold Spo res) Born with it 

4 Who's Affected By It? Many children are affected by asthma(Age 5-14 mostly) Smokers People with allergies Can and will affect anyone More women are affected in  Adulthood

5 A guy named Hippocrates that "Treated" Asthma with owl blood in wine.
History Of Asthma First time diagnosed in China (2600 BC) Greek meaning of "Short Of Breath" 1980's is when we had a better understanding about it. A guy named Hippocrates that "Treated" Asthma with owl blood in wine. 

6 Symptoms Of Asthma Shortness of breath Chest tightness and pain
Trouble sleeping Coughing and/or wheezing Intolerance of  second hand smoke

7 Body System Affected Body system affected is the respiratory system
The respiratory system consist of Lungs, Bronchi, Nose, and anything with breathing. Asthma affects mostly the lungs by swelling it and causing muscles to tighten.

8 Daily Life Effects Asthma patients will have difficulties breathing after stress on the lungs, due to your lungs allowing less air in. Patients might have "Asthma Attacks" Patients might need to avoid breathing in certain things.

9 Cures, Treatments, and Preventions
No actual full cure for asthma Patients might need an inhaler puffer to manage asthma. Specific daily exercises might improve the lungs. Avoiding high air polluted.

10 Work Cited
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