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Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)

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1 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Brand; Brand is the "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

2 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Branding is a marketing process aimed at psychologically burning a logo into the consumers mind 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

3 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Branding is also a way to build an important company asset, which is a good reputation. Branding can build an expectation about the company services or products, and can encourage the company to maintain that expectation, or exceed them, bringing better products and services to the market place. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

4 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) How to write a positioning statement; a positioning statement uses 1 or 2 sentences to convey what it is you do and how you uniquely meet customers' needs. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

5 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) 1/Review your company's mission and vision statements to understand what sets your organization apart from others. Keep this in mind as you write your positioning statement. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

6 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) 2/Write a list of your customers and their individual needs and preferences. You can gather this information through various market research methods like surveys. Categorize the list of needs and wants as urgent, important and desirable. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

7 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) 3/Create a table listing the needs of your customers along the top and each feature of your product or service down the side. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

8 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) 4/…Wherever a feature of your product or service meets a need of your customers, write down how it does so in the intersecting box. Then make a similar chart about each of your major competitors. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

9 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) 5/Identify your distinctive positioning using the information you collect. Compare the chart of your company's services and customer needs to the charts of your competitors, and determine how your company is unique. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

10 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) 6/ Write a concise, focused sentence as your positioning statement. It should articulate what makes your product or service unique and desirable. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

11 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Consumers identify the category (need) first and then the brand What brands do you think of in regards to; Car Jewellery Jeans Sun Glasses Watch 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

12 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) How to promote your business; Personal Selling. Sales Promotion. Public Relations. Direct Mail. Trade Fairs and Exhibitions. Advertising. Sponsorship 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

13 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Plan your attack. Define who your best prospects are, and then determine the best way to reach them. Be as specific as possible If you're just starting out and don't have a business card and business stationery, have them made up -- immediately. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

14 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Competitive Advantage Analysis for Small Business Know Your Competitors If possible, one of the best ways to get to know a competitor is to become a client, ( secret shopper). While this may seem counterproductive or even underhanded at first, it can give you insight into exactly what you’re up against 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

15 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) If you don't have a website, get one set up ! Set up a free listing for your business in search engine local directories, (Google) 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

16 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Set your business profile or page up on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter Look for something unusual about what you do, and publicize it. Use the best, most effective media medium 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

17 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Put videos of your product or service on YouTube and other video-sharing and slide-sharing sites Collect your customers contact details and utilise ; Customer Relationship Management 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

18 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Test buying Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising on the search engines. Offer a free, no obligation consultation to people you think could use your services. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

19 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Legislation The Australian Consumer Law The full text of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) is set out in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 which is the new name of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (TPA). 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

20 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) The ACL includes: Chapter 1 – Introduction: a single set of definitions and interpretive provisions about consumer law concepts. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

21 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Chapter 2 – General protections: general protections, which create standards of business conduct in the market, including: a general ban on misleading and deceptive conduct in trade or commerce; a general ban on unconscionable conduct in trade or commerce and specific bans on unconscionable conduct in consumer and some business transactions; and a provision that makes unfair contract terms in consumer contracts void. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

22 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Chapter 3 – Specific protections: specific protections which address identified forms of business conduct, including provisions: banning specific unfair practices in trade or commerce; dealing with consumer transactions for goods or services; on the safety of consumer goods and product related services; on the making and enforcement of information standards; and on the liability of manufacturers for goods with safety defects. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

23 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Chapter 4 – Offences: criminal offences relating to certain matters covered in Chapter 3. Chapter 5 – Enforcement and remedies: national enforcement powers and remedies relating to consumer law. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

24 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Misleading or Deceptive Conduct; 'Conduct' includes actions and statements, such as: advertisements promotions quotations statements any representation made by a person. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

25 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Is puffery misleading or deceptive? 'Puffery' is wildly exaggerated, fanciful or vague claims that no reasonable person could possibly treat seriously. Example - puffery A café owner claims to make 'the best coffee in the world' 'All your dreams will come true' if you use a certain product. There is no legal distinction between puffery and misleading or deceptive conduct. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

26 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Silence A business can break the law by failing to disclose relevant facts to a customer. Silence can be misleading or deceptive when: one person fails to alert another to facts known only to them, and the facts are relevant to the decision important details a person should know are not conveyed to them a change in circumstance meant information already provided was incorrect. Whether silence is misleading or deceptive will depend on the circumstances of each case. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

27 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Penalties Misleading and deceptive conduct may lead to civil remedies including: injunctions damages compensatory orders orders for non-party consumers non-punitive orders adverse publicity disqualification orders. Fines and criminal sanctions do not apply, but penalties may apply if the conduct breaches the Australian Consumer Law in other ways 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

28 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) WH&S Act 2011; Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

29 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) What is EEO? Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is making sure that everyone has equal access to available employment by: ensuring that workplaces are free from discrimination and harassment, and providing programs to assist people to overcome disadvantage. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

30 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Anti-Discrimination Act (NSW) 1977 NSW has a single statute covering discrimination in employment, education and other areas on the grounds of sex (including, breastfeeding and pregnancy), race (including colour, ethnicity, descent, ethno-religious identity, national identity and background), marital and domestic status, disability, homosexuality, age, transgender status (transsexuality), and carers' responsibilities (in employment only). 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

31 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Monitoring When your marketing/promotional plan has been implemented, it must be closely monitored during the implementation phase and then conduct ongoing evaluation into the efficiency of the overall marketing strategy. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

32 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) The marketing/promotional objectives are your key monitoring tools These are the benchmarks for monitoring your marketing strategies 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

33 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) For example, one of your marketing/promotional goals was to increase quality of customer service A measurable objective stemming from this goal is to reduce customer waiting time in queues by 50% 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

34 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Once you have gathered your monitoring information, it is necessary to compare the outcomes with your original objectives and identify any contingencies ( risks) 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

35 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Contingency Planning Developing a Good 'Plan B‘ Small business plans can never foresee all eventualities, good planning provides for contingencies to address unexpected events. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

36 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Think about what could go wrong with various parts of your marketing plan such as, Product, Price, Place and Promotion, and devise a plan”B” 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

37 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Pricing Strategies; In terms of the marketing mix price is the least attractive element. Marketing companies should really focus on generating as high a margin as possible. The argument is that the marketer should change product, place or promotion in some way before resorting to price reductions. However price is a versatile element of the mix. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

38 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Premium Pricing. Use a high price where there is a unique brand. This approach is used where a substantial competitive advantage exists and the marketer is safe in the knowledge that they can charge a relatively higher price. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

39 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Penetration Pricing. The price charged for products and services is set artificially low in order to gain market share. Once this is achieved, the price is increased. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

40 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Economy Pricing. This is a no frills low price. The costs of marketing and promoting a product are kept to a minimum. Supermarkets often have economy brands for soups, spaghetti, etc. Budget airlines are famous for keeping their overheads as low as possible and then giving the consumer a relatively lower price to fill an aircraft. During times of recession economy pricing sees more sales. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

41 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Price Skimming. Price skimming sees a company charge a higher price because it has a substantial competitive advantage. Manufacturers of digital watches used a skimming approach in the 1970s. Once other manufacturers were tempted into the market and the watches were produced at a lower unit cost, other marketing strategies and pricing approaches are implemented. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

42 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Psychological Pricing. This approach is used when the marketer wants the consumer to respond on an emotional, rather than rational basis. For example Price Point Perspective (PPP) 0.99 Cents not 1 AUS Dollar. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

43 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Product Line Pricing. Where there is a range of products or services the pricing reflects the benefits of parts of the range. For example car washes; a basic wash could be $2, a wash and wax $4 and the whole package for $6. Product line pricing seldom reflects the cost of making the product since it delivers a range of prices that a consumer perceives as being fair incrementally – over the range. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

44 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Optional Product Pricing. Companies will attempt to increase the amount customers spend once they start to buy. Optional 'extras' increase the overall price of the product or service. For example airlines will charge for optional extras such as guaranteeing a window seat or reserving a row of seats next to each other. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

45 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Captive Product Pricing Where products have complements, companies will charge a premium price since the consumer has no choice. For example a razor manufacturer will charge a low price for the first plastic razor and recoup its margin (and more) from the sale of the blades that fit the razor. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

46 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Product Bundle Pricing. Here sellers combine several products in the same package. This also serves to move old stock. Luggage for example are often sold using the bundle approach once they reach the end of their product life cycle. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

47 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Promotional Pricing. Pricing to promote a product is a very common application. There are many examples of promotional pricing including approaches such as BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free), money off vouchers and discounts. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

48 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) Geographical Pricing. Geographical pricing sees variations in price in different parts of the world. For example rarity value, or where shipping costs increase price. 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

49 Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program)
Northern Beaches College – Business Services Apprentice to Business Owner Program (A to B Program) 9/11/2018 A to B Program BSBMKG413A Promote Product and Services

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