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Civil Rights African Americans

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1 Civil Rights African Americans

2 History Were brought to US as slaves Civil War
Violence against African Americans KKK Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement Jim crow laws Voting rights- poll tax, grandfather clause

3 African American Civil Rights
Pro Con Starting further back Have less advantages Forced into a cycle of poverty Prejudice against from police Stereotypes hurt them more than whites Already equal Have the same opportunities They have control over their own destiny Police enforce the law no matter what color Should not be given preference for jobs or school

4 Scott v. Sandford (1857) Dred Scott was a slave brought to a free state then rented out in a free state before being brought to a slave state again Sued saying free since in free state Court ruled slaves cant sue as they are not “citizens” Made the Missouri compromise unconstitutional Making it so the us government could not regulate slavery in territories

5 Strauder v. West Virginia (1880)
West Virginia had statue limiting jury service to white men Strauder , a black man, was on trial Supreme court ruled law unconstitutional that it violates the equal protection clause

6 Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Plessy tried to sit in railroad car for whites only, then was arrested Plessy 7/8 white man Law upheld in court saying that segregation is legal as long as facilities are equal

7 McLaurin v. Oklahoma (1950) McLaurin, who had master degree in education, was denied entry to university of Oklahoma to pursue doctorate. Law prohibiting instructing whites and blacks together School didn’t provide separate facilities Court required that the school offer separate facilities

8 Sweatt v. Painter (1950) Man denied admission to university of Texas law school because Texas law prohibited integrated education Texas then created separate school for negros Ruled unconstitutional because schools were not equal with one having 16 full time professors and the other 5 part time And that experience with other lawyers in a “substantive equality” that is needed in the profession

9 Brown v. Board of Education (1954)*
Black children denied attendance to schools attended by white children Court ended segregation in schools stating that separate was inherently unequal

10 Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education (1969)
Schools in the south remained segregated for 15 years after brown v board emphasizing the Deliberate in “all deliberate speed” They even closed public schools to avoid it “the obligation of every school district is to terminate dual school systems at once and to operate now and hereafter only unitary schools”

11 Swan v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg county schools (1971)
Was to determine wither the school districts plan to desegregate was effective and reasonable to desegregate Busing students to promote integration in public schools Court ruled it was an appropriate remedy Led to widespread use of busing to end segregation

12 Jones v. Mayer (1968) Mayer refused to sell homes based an race
Federal government passage of civil rights act of 1966 was good use of 13th amendment Court prohibited private acts of discrimination

13 *Guinn v. United States (1915)
Voting literacy test in Oklahoma Grandfather clause Law ruled unconstitutional on 15th amendment grounds Also affected similar laws in other southern states

14 Smith v. Allwright (1944) Political parties able to make white only primaries in Texas Ruled unconstitutional on equal protection grounds, 14th amendment

15 Thornburg v. Gingles (1986) North Carolina passed a redistricting plan that created seven new districts where blacks would not be bale to elect candidates of their choosing Diluted the black vote Supreme court ruled that 5 of 6 contested districts discriminated against blacks by diluting the power of their collective vote

16 Hunt v. Cromartie (1999) North Carolinas newly drawn map was drawn using race a predominate factor It put all black voters in one district to make it where they only won one seat. Court ruled that the new map was drawn based on race and not political affiliation

17 Federal Laws 13th Amendment- gets rid of slavery
14th Amendment- grants citizens equality under the law 15th Amendment- all men can vote 24th Amendment- gets rid of poll tax Voting Rights Act of prohibits racial discrimination in voting Civil rights act of no discrimination in hiring Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act)

18 State Laws For Affirmative Action Stricter Hate Crime Legislation
Public database of police stops (to combat racial profiling)

19 State Laws Against Family Caps Stand your ground laws
Duck is a duck police rules Mandatory minimums Voter ID Laws

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