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INSECT MODEL & SIMULATION 2016. 9. 27. Kyungsan Choi.

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Presentation on theme: "INSECT MODEL & SIMULATION 2016. 9. 27. Kyungsan Choi."— Presentation transcript:


2 Future DATA BASE Simulation

3 Target When How Expert System of Pest management Database
- pest information - control information - experience data - simulated data Simulation : Prediction / Estimation - Occurrence time - Spraying time Target When How

4 Simulation in Insect model
∙ Theoretical base (Curry et al., 1978) ∙ Multi cohort simulation with a program (Wagner et al., 1985)

5 < Practical usage in Agriculture>
∙ 30 years later 1. Major researcher use Excel program - Problem : Takes long time, difficulty in building Model 2. Some use Simulation program - STELLA, DYMEX , etc - hardness in comprehension, restricted in specific model, etc 3. A few make a structural program by himself - Restricted for a model , low confidence, almost impossible to modify it < Practical usage in Agriculture> - Rare but in a few nation developed a system based on Degree day models. However, it does not well used because of the low accuracy

6 Why there is no platform for insect models ?
Complication and variety in a model and its application

7 Is there easy way to build and simulate complicated models
Program language X Variety STELLA DYMEX Difficulty Simple

8 X R Main C ∙ Template : STAGE MODEL - INPUT : X, R data
- Main Function and Component Function X R Main C

9 ∙ Various Method - Cal. Method - Array variable (I, N, T) ARRAY 1

10 ∙ Simple Stage linkage

11 PopModel 1.0 (2014)

12 PopModel 1.5 (2016)

13 Prediction System for Insect Pest (coming soon 2017)
☐ Forecasting : ∙ Predict the insect occurrence, damage period ∙ Suggest the timing of Spray ☐ Display structure ∙ Pest List according to crop ∙ Illustration of the occurrence and damage time ∙ Recommendation table : - protection time List for each pest - best insecticides and its best time to apply ☐ Management and Simulation engine ∙ Occurrence, damage, agro-chemical effective, and optimum timing Models are saved in Database as the model template of PopModel 1.5 ∙ Simulation run by the engine of the PopModel system

14 How to make insect occurrence model?
☐ Rate Distance R(T) = D/ T Rate = Time ☐ Insect development rate Insect are Poikilothermal animal => The development time is dependent on the temperature if The distance = 1 then dev. rate = 1/days (median or mean day) Temp day rate 16 4.9 0.203 20 2.7 0.364 24 1.8 0.545 28 1.6 0.620 32 1.3 0.799 35 0.568

15 1) Linear model : Y= a*X +b
☐ Degree-Day 1) Linear model : Y= a*X +b TL=10.3 DD = 27.6 Day Temp(T) If( T > TL, T, 0) Sum 1 8.8 2 9.5 3 6.4 4 14.5 4.46 5 22.5 12.46 16.9 6 19.3 9.26 26.1 7 38.6 8 18 7.96 46.6 Dev. Zero a = b = Dev. Zero = -b/a = 10.04 Thermal constant = 1/ a = 27.6

16 1. higher/lower estimation
2) Problem 1. higher/lower estimation higher estimation over optimal temp. Lower/higher estimation under Dev. Zero Dev. Zero is not a real but an abstract value deduced from linear model 2. No consideration on the variation of development Median : <= Pos. at 50% Mean : 22.2 SE : 0.15 That’s why Degree-day is not failed in practical usage

17 ☐ Non-linear model 1) Developmental rate Lactin 2 :
Y=EXP(P0*X)-EXP(P0*P1-(P1-X)/P2)+P3 Estiamted value of parameter : P0= , P1 = 36.97 P2= 1.13, P3=

18 2) Developmental complete distribution
No. individual Dev. Period (days) 30 25 20 15 There are differences in variation and sample size from each temp treatments. So, How can we make a distribution model with those data?

19 Step 1. Convert them into cumulative probability
Probabilty 20 30 25 15 Dev. Period (days) Step 2. Normalize the developmental period as dev. rate 1 dev. rate = 1/days So. We can say that 50% individuals complete their development when physiological age is 1 Cumulative Probabilty 1 2 Physiological age

20 3) Simulation method Pc : density of the cohort
No. hatched larva 100 eggs Today ( N) data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N-1 of Px N of Px Pc : density of the cohort F(px) : developmental distribution model pxi : physiological age at ith day Pxi-1 Pxi

21 ☐ Example : Stage emergence model
- Examine the development of the target species at different constant temperature

22 - Make dev, rate and distribution model as well as degree-day model

23 - Simulate and validate model with field occurrence

24 ☐ Example : Adult Oviposition model
- Examine adult longevity , daily egg production

25 - Make 4 models

26 Adult longevity model Physiological age is calculated By summing the result of the model (1) Daily egg laid model (cumulative) Daily adult survival model Oviposition model of adult

27 ☐ Example : Population model

28 Adult Larva Egg Pupa

29 Formula usually used in insect model
☐ Hilbert & Logan (1983) ☐ Lactin (1995) Lactin 1 model Lactin 2 model

30 ☐ Gaussian (Taylor, 1981) ☐ Briere (Briere et al., 1999)

31 ☐ SM model (Sharpe & DeMichele , 1977)
☐ SS model (Schoolfield, 1981) ☐ SSI model (Ikemoto, 2005)

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